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Vodka, Women, and Song

Sarah Tintagyl

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Altin Urda would like to share command of a portion of its navy for the security of the Hanseatic Commonwealth. We believe a minimum of 1 aircraft carrier, 1 frigate, and 1 submarine would be necessary. What do you say?

- Großmarschall

Sarah took the note in her hand between a mouthful of veal and washing it down with white wine she turned to the Großmarschall pulled him close. "After the dinner, if you would like to talk about maybe some possibilities for something of this nature I would be inclined to listen, there are many things that I would like to see done, and Altin Urda would be pivotal in those types of negotiations."

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Seeing a chance to strike a conversation with the hostess, Gage took the oppertunity of grabbing the empty seat by Sarah. He wished for her to respond to the following statement:

Russians are Russians. We all know each other quite well. Its honestly the reason we stay united. The North of Asia is a cold and brutal place. The nations there are just the same, militarily that is. We all have our ambitions and we all strive to be the best. Yet, we limit ourselves for the benefit of our culture so that we may stand united. When one of us is threatened the others rise to meet the antagonizer. As is the case with the United Francoist Empire. We may not all have similar interests but we have and probably always will have each others backs.

The problem I am more worried about is the lack of knowledge we have for the South. There are plenty of countries, some of which I am allied to, but still so many more remain that I have yet to explore or visit or even talk to a leader. Instead of having yourself hounded by drunken Russians, maybe you should ask some neighbors to tag along. If not this meeting, maybe the next?

The Chairman, waiting for Sarah as she pondered the statement, reached for the vodka bottle but hesitated at the thought of an angry wife. He retracted his arm and pulled out a water bottle.

Edited by mykep
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Nikita not having to fear a disappointed husband took another glass of Vodka and looked up.

"I agree with my friend in the Northern Empire perhaps we should have more people here as well the only link we have with the South is the Hanseatic Commonwealth"she said after which she passed on a note to Sarah.

Peacecraft is recovering, need a talk later
Edited by Centurius
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Nikita not having to fear a disappointed husband took another glass of Vodka and looked up.

"I agree with my friend in the Northern Empire perhaps we should have more people here as well the only link we have with the South is the Hanseatic Commonwealth"she said after which she passed on a note to Sarah.

Nodding her head she turned to her guests. "Agreed, I agree with all of you. I will say, one of the main reasons that I wanted to call you all here today was to understand if in fact RUSSIAN was prepared to undergo a treaty or pact of this magnitude whether economic, defensive, or militaristic. Hearing your support for my nation economically, I am now under the impression that you would all do the same if in fact the Philippines or New Cymru or any other nation of Oceania would have called a meeting like this. European politics have taught me one thing is that the majority of people constantly disagree and various meetings are called that don't lead to anything but people leaving these conferences considerably angry with each other. Now I can see that RUSSIAN is more than ready to begin talks about various treaties. I would like to know what all you be interested in signing. What all do you think would be successful in uniting the north with the south?

Peacecraft is recovering, need a talk later

After receiving the note from Nikita, Sarah's eyes sparkled as she nodded energetically. Her eyes read everything 'Yes, I look forward to it.'

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Nodding her head she turned to her guests. "Agreed, I agree with all of you. I will say, one of the main reasons that I wanted to call you all here today was to understand if in fact RUSSIAN was prepared to undergo a treaty or pact of this magnitude whether economic, defensive, or militaristic. Hearing your support for my nation economically, I am now under the impression that you would all do the same if in fact the Philippines or New Cymru or any other nation of Oceania would have called a meeting like this. European politics have taught me one thing is that the majority of people constantly disagree and various meetings are called that don't lead to anything but people leaving these conferences considerably angry with each other. Now I can see that RUSSIAN is more than ready to begin talks about various treaties. I would like to know what all you be interested in signing. What all do you think would be successful in uniting the north with the south?

After receiving the note from Nikita, Sarah's eyes sparkled as she nodded energetically. Her eyes read everything 'Yes, I look forward to it.'

"Good"she whispered.

"While I can only speak for myself Bosporan feels that at this point a treaty should remain non-Militaristic in nature, I personally propose a pact giving some optional economic cooperation followed by a more mandatory one and eventually a Military one to slowly build up relations. Between Independent Nations more of course is possible and preferred but globally I feel it should be a slowly developing one."

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"Good"she whispered.

"While I can only speak for myself Bosporan feels that at this point a treaty should remain non-Militaristic in nature, I personally propose a pact giving some optional economic cooperation followed by a more mandatory one and eventually a Military one to slowly build up relations. Between Independent Nations more of course is possible and preferred but globally I feel it should be a slowly developing one."

"Well I would definitely more than anything rather see an economic treaty rise up, after all, we are dealing with various countries each with their own personal agendas and with governments that may look at their neighbors as distrustful at least from a militaristic standpoint. I would propose, that we could create an economic treaty between RUSSIAN, the Asian Mainland countries, and Oceania that would begin to reduce tariffs or perhaps even eliminating them. That would be a strong enough start in my mind to begin unifying the various peoples of our continent. Though I can assure all of you, that a consolidated currency is the furthest thing from my mind. So this would only have to do with a reduction of tariffs and of course any ideas Your Excellencies may bring to the table."

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