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which is better?


Your nation's crop output has recently surged. Option 1: Destroy the crops in order to keep from flooding the market. Population happiness -2, Citizen income +$10.00

Option 2: Allow the crops to be harvested and sent to the market. Population happiness +2, Citizen income -$10.00 No Response. Population happiness +2

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Option 2 is definately out,

No Response. Population happiness +2 looks the best to me, but you'll have to calculate if the +10.00 cash is a greater boon than the -2 happiness is a loss to your nation.

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+2 happiness is worth $4.00 citizen income

so option 1 is +$10.00-$4.00= +$6.00

option 2 is +$4.00-$10.00=-$6.00

no option which is +2 happiness= +$4.00

Clearly option 1 is the best, but still get some other older nations to confirm although i think Option 1 is surely better than the rest

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How would i do that?

Bonuses based on your improvements and resources will be different for each nation.

Figure it out for yourself by doing the math on your own nation. One happiness is not equal to a fixed amount of money so there's no exact answer.

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