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Tsar's Visit to the Northwest

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It’s a warm spring day in Vilnius, much of the normalcy that existed before the nuclear war has been restored. Just a few weeks ago those forced to abandon their homes were allowed to return. Today was an especially unique day. For the first time since the war the Tsar will be touring the evacuation areas, and to add to the excitement he will be among the people, helping with the clean from the riots that shook the major cities of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The streets of Vilnius are filled with excited citizens watching as the Tsar’s motorcade moves slowly toward the Vilnius Palace. The whole street leading to the palace is lined with people hoping to get a glimpse of the Tsar. The people hold banners and signs with the Tsar’s picture on them and children wave small Slavorussian flags.

Outside the gates of Vilnius Palace a crowd has formed. Everyone hopes that maybe they’ll have a chance to peek into the windows of the Tsar’s limousine as it drives past the gates. When they see the motorcade coming down the street all the people start to cheer and wave. To surprise of the crowd the cars stop just outside the gates. The crowd quiets down for a moment, but when they see two of the Tsar’s guards walk up to the limo and open the door, and the tsar step out, they burst into a loud roar.

The Tsar fixes his tie and buttons his jacket. He smiles and waves, which only adds to the crowd’s excitement. He walks over to crowd and starts to shake the hands of the happy people who have come out to see him. The people pay him compliments, and being the ever gracious monarch he is he politely thanks them

He returns to his limousine and put up his hand and the crowd grows silent. Now with the crowd quiet he can speak. “I am so pleased that you have all come here to see me today. I thank you all for your compliments and even your criticism. In dark times such as these its important never to loose one‘s nerve. As we continue to rebuild from riots we will grow closer as a country, and hopefully better neighbors to countries in Europe and Asia.”

To the tsar’s surprise there is an unexpected guest waiting for him in the palace, Prince Radziwill. Although the prince doesn’t mention anything to the tsar, he thinks his daughter Christina would be a perfect bride for the tsar. The prince and the tsar sit down and chat for a while. “Your Majesty, how long has it been since you‘ve stayed at my castle in Biržai? At least 10 years am I right?”

The tsar thinks for a minute, he remembers the Castle Radziwill vaguely. For some reason it was one of his least favorite places to visit, but he cant figure out why. When the prince suggests he stay at his castle this coming weekend the tsar cringes, but it would be impolite to turn down the prince’s offer. He graciously accepts the offer, and makes preparations to stay at Castle Radziwill before he leaves the province.

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Three days later Prince Radziwill waits at the train station for the tsar’s train to arrive. With him is his oldest son, Alex, who is also a member of the Imperial State Duma. Standing on the platform with them are members of the Imperial Guard, they’re making the final security preparations for the tsar’s arrival, which should be any minute now. Prince Radziwill is surprised there’s only 4 guards around, when the tsar was in Vilnius there were at least 20.

Moments later the tsar’s train arrives. The tiny 8 car train is decorated with the large golden Imperial State Emblem on each car. The prince has his driver bring the car around. When the tsar steps off the train and onto the platform the prince bows, and greets the tsar. “Your Majesty welcome to Biržai. I‘m truly honored you accepted my invitation. Tell me how was your train ride?.”

“It was really very relaxing, there’s nothing more relaxing than the beautiful Lithuanian countryside. There were so many things to see on the way here, I‘d have to take the trip again to get the full picture.” remarked the tsar as he gives one of his bags to one of the train workers.

After everything is packed and ready to go the prince’s car drives several km out of the city to the prince’s castle. When the tsar sees the castle comes into view he is take aback. It’s been over 10 years since he’d seen the castle, but it doesn’t seem to have changed much. It was just a white building with a red/orange roof, there’s a garden, some hills, a pond, nothing threatening at all. The tsar wonders to himself why the castle makes him so nervous. He can’t figure it out, but he knows that he may soon find out.

In front of the castle the prince’s wife waits with their children and grandchildren to meet the tsar. When the tsar gets out of the car a loud voice rings in his head. The voice makes the tsar’s heart skip a beat. The voice belongs to none other than the prince’s daughter Christine. You could say that in childhood the two were “friends,” in reality Christine was a tormentor. She always played tricks on him, called him names, hit him, got him in trouble anything she could think of to make him miserable. While the greeting goes on the Justinian and Christine glare at each other, not saying a word, just glaring.

Prince Radziwill leads everyone inside to relax before dinner. As Justinian walks past Christine she sticks her tongue out at him and pinches his arm. It doesn’t take long before Justinian realizes that this is probably going to be the worst three days of his entire life.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Prince Radziwill leads everyone inside to relax before dinner. As Justinian walks past Christine she sticks her tongue out at him and pinches his arm. It doesn’t take long before Justinian realizes that this is probably going to be the worst three days of his entire life.

OOC: Is this the third greatest romance in CNRP history?

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