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[CNRP]Vaule proposes dissolving the Outer Mongolian Buryat Autonomous Region

Imperator Azenquor

Parliamentary Vote  

17 members have voted

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VNN News:'Outer Mongolia to 'cease to exist'?

Prime Minister Dmitri Ivanov has proposed a legislative measure to redraw Vaule’s internal provincial borders so that the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Region will ‘cease to exist as a political entity’. The highly controversial plan would involve partitioning the province into two or three different sections to be administered by neighboring provinces. The regional government based in Novaya Ulanbataar would be completely dissolved under this proposal. The Prime Minister has also proposed granting a member of the military the power to ‘rule the regions by decree’ during the transition phase of the proposal.

Regional President of the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Region has voiced serious opposition to the proposal and suggests that the proposed divisions would undermine the ability of the citizens living in Outer Mongolia to have proportional representation in the Parliament. President Li has also suggested that there would be ‘serious consequences for all parties if a unilateral course of action is attempted’

Prime Minister Ivanov has said that, if the Parliament approves the measure and if President Rokossovsky does not intervene, that the plan may be implemented by the Army in less than two and a half months.

It is unknown how the vote in Parliament will go as both the Nationalist and Socialist parties have large voting blocks, 281 and 279 seats respectively in the 600 seat Parliament. Any such measure would require a 2/3 majority to prevent President Rokossovsky from vetoing it.

President Rokossovsky, who is still at a press conference, has not yet commented on the proposal.

The Outer Mongolian regional government has called a mass rally in Novaya Ulanbataar to voice their opposition to the proposal even before the Parliament vote is complete. In response to the anti-proposal rally, senior members of the Vaule Association of Youth Pioneers (VAYP) have called a pro-proposal rally to march to Novaya Ulanbataar.


-VAYP Flag


-VAYP members marching on Novaya Ulanbataar waving Nationalist and Socialist Party flags

Parliament Resolution regarding the future status of the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Autonomous Region

1) The region is to be partitioned into two entities placed under the administrative control of the West Faron and Caledonia provinces

2) Military and Defensive policy are to be handled by a government appointed military official who has the power to rule by decree in matters of defense and law and order

3) The regional government based in Novaya Ulanbataar shall cease to exist, and all of its functions shall be transferred to the Regional Legislatures of the appropriate provinces (Faron or Caledonia).

4) During the transition phase, the regions external borders shall be sealed, and the internal border across Lake Baikal shall be heavily monitored.

5) Immunity previously granted to politicians in the regional government of Outer Mongolia shall be revoked.

6) The creation of a 'Criminal Tribunal for the Former Outer Mongolian-Buryat Region' (TFOM), led by the Supreme People's Court of Vaule with the possibility of International Observers and representatives to deal with criminal cases regarding the conflict.


-Proposed Map with partitioned Outer Mongolia in red, and the neighboring provinces highlighted

***News Credits***

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Breaking News: Embarrassing defeat for Prime Minister Ivanov

We have confirmed that Prime Minister Ivanov has failed to gather the necessary 2/3 of the Parliament to approve the measure. In a shocking move, members of the Prime Minister's Nationalist party voted against the proposal to dissolve the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Autonomous region. In the 600 member Parliament only 210 members (only Nationalist MPs) voted in favor of the proposal. The Socialist Party of President Rokossovsky voted a resounding No with all 279 of their MPs. The Vaule Communist Party, sided with the Socialists and voted against the plan.

Voting Breakdown:


Nationalists (210)

Total: 210


Socialists (279)

Communists (36)

Democrats (2)

Nationalists (71)

Total: 388


Libertarians and Republicans (2)

Total: 2

This vote has been extremely embarrassing for the new Prime Minister, and has prompted some calls from inside the Nationalist Party to force the Prime Minister from office by vote of no confidence. Opposition MPs pounced on the chance to attack the Prime Minister during the debate:

"Leader of the Communist Party, Georgy Zhuganov"-Speaker

"Thank you Madam Speaker. I must ask. Mr. Prime Minister, how can you expect to govern when you are unable to get your own party to back your own positions?"-Zhuganov


"Madam Speaker. I feel that it would be more than appropriate that the Prime Minister should tender his resignation and to permit the Nationalist Party to choose a leader who better commands the wishes of the party as a whole."-Unnamed Nationalist MP

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"Thank you Madam Speaker. I must ask. Mr. Prime Minister, how can you expect to govern when you are unable to get your own party to back your own positions?"-Zhuganov

"Madam Speaker. I feel that it would be more than appropriate that the Prime Minister should tender his resignation and to permit the Nationalist Party to choose a leader who better commands the wishes of the party as a whole."-Unnamed Nationalist MP

Emperor Mykep the Younger heard this and had a message delivered personally to Zhuganov and then to the Nationalist party:

"The PM's resignation is not something we look foward to. We backed thier proposition and most of thier moves, as did some of you. We ask the Nationalist Party to now not push thier luck, this is the PM's first failure. "

He had also commented on the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Autonomous Region

"We wish peace for this area, although we see it as highly unlikely. If need be, your neighbors shall intervene to keep from citizens being harmed."

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