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[CNRP-R] Crimson Tide


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Manshuri (Manchu-li)

The conference between Kyokujitsu Teikoku and the Socialist Tribal Confederacy of the Mongol-Swedes was in full swing, as the delegates discussed the future of the two nations. However, the real discussion was going on in a small house just outside the city, between two men.....

The red-eyed Kyokujitsu representative spoke first.

"Now, normally the Empire of the Rising Sun would start shooting at any mention of marxism or communism, but we don't really have any problems with socialism, given the communitarian nature of our own capitalist system. We're perfectly willing to get along with our Mongol brothers, if we figure out the goals of the Socialist Tribal Confederacy. Now, tell me, just what kind of ideology do you follow? Marxism, or something else?"

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Adjusting his red-and-black-starred ushanka, the General Council representative grinned a bit as he raised his chin and spoke:

"Well now, that's quite simple. If you want to get into the technical side of things, though, I will acquiesce your request. The philosophical 'strategy' of this Confederacy follows, from its roots, the Organizational Platform for Libertarian Communism, uniting as a 'body' of regulation and geographical unification as a loose confederation of nomads and urban proletariat alike for the cause of preserving the sovereignty of our lands, to be free from all foreign influence, and through our diplomatic proceedings to promote this spirit of peace and recognition of the right to self-determination to all peoples, regardless of their clans or creeds. We firmly believe that the so-called 'Nationalists' and 'Republicans' that came before those who comprise the General Council today, virtually enslaved to their personal ambitions for advancement in an era where it was common for our people to sell their lands, even their own blood, sweat and tears, to foreigners of many stripes, were a detriment to this process of the realization of the people as a whole to manifest their desires for self-determination, free from being forced to work as slaves to their wages or starve if they chose to speak up for themselves and for their communities. What started as a simple struggle to be able to earn a living wage rapidly grew into a struggle of national liberation that also brought about with it the realization that it was the communities and clans themselves, united by the simple prospect of a better way of life through voluntary co-operation, could unite and prosper without the crushing grip of yet another inept government bristling with power it could not possibly hope to understand.

What it basically comes down to is sovereignty. Self-determination for all peoples. And this brings me, as it has already brought the people of the Steppes, onto the decision why the referendum to join the Communist International passed with a sweeping majority in all tribes. Already it has become quite clear to our people that we are not exactly a welcome presence, even here in our own lands, where we herd our cattle and build our cities, with our own labor, precisely because we have cast off the bonds of the wage and effectively adopted our own labor exchange and communal defense initiatives to propel our Confederacy into the 21st century as a freely associated council of human beings. We have joined other peoples who, at least, to a certain degree, share our desires to peacefully develop what each of us have determined to be the right course for ourselves, and to defend these personal executions of sovereign rule from those who, for whatever motivations, would seek to supplant a popular revolutionary change in our society. We chose to join because we are well aware that there are those who would coerce their own people to clash with ours just to see the Steppes absorbed into the market scheme that virtually enslaved our peoples to the chains of wage servitude that were held by very cold-hearted men thousands of miles from the deserts and the streets of our homes. We have joined, first and foremost, however, in the spirit of respecting the rights of those who rule beyond our borders to continue to exist as they please, and we do not intend to exercise, nor partake in, an act of aggression as a part of this International, and will honor it as a means of collective self-defense in the event that our sovereignty should ever be challenged again by anyone, regardless of what banner they rally under.

That being said, I do not intend for this to be a slug-fest between the ways in which our respective peoples govern. I am here because the Council wishes to join in the collective efforts of East Asia to secure their homes free from foreign intervention, be it from a land hundreds or thousands of miles away, or be it from a belligerent nation working right here in our collective, sovereign homelands. No country is an island, even an island nation, in this modern age where a ripple in Lake Tahoe can become a great sandstorm on the Gobi desert that blots out the sun for days on end. We honor, first and foremost, the right to self-determination above all other principles, and we strongly condemn the actions of any country that seeks to exercise its military and/or political might over any other in a manner that is grossly disrespectful. All peoples deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, because I am quite certain that we Peoples of the Steppes cannot hope to truly, 100 per cent, understand how the people of Kyokujitsu live as they do, since we do not walk the same path."

Edited by The Mongol-Swedes
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"Good, very good. I like what you're saying. It seems we'll get along just fine"

Just then, a telegram arrives, notifying of the eruption of the war.

"Seems like our allies don't liuke socialists. They just started attacking Mongol-Swedes. However, rest assure that we'll never touch you, and work to ensure that you'll get peace."

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The rep slowly removed his ushanka, an almost warrior-like thousand-yard-stare began to manifest in his gaze as he paused to dab at his brow with a worn handkerchief before softly uttering "This is an unfortunate development for our people who know very little outside of violent, destructive struggle for our right to be free. The soil of the Steppes has yet to truly know an age free from bloodshed. Yet we refuse anything but total cessation of hostilities against us, and will refuse any and all terms that affect our sovereign right to collectively govern ourselves as human beings. We refuse to be lumped into an ideological war when our path was diplomacy, to seek a mutual understanding, not to drown our lands in blood and have our peoples fearing death from the skies above, with terrible machines of destruction from lands thousands of miles away demolishing our cities as if we were simply targets in a virtual simulation."

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"We are pleased to see that there are enough decent and level-headed people in this region, regardless of their politics, be they Comintern or otherwise, that understand the importance of respecting the self-determination of a sovereign people, and despite this rash act of aggression visited upon our lands and our peoples, we are determined to continue to peacefully foster an understanding of diplomatic responsibility that many tend to forget when the rivers begin to run red with the blood of innocents and warriors alike. We're grateful that the people of Kyokujitsu share our determination for responsible resolution."

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The man looks at his watch.

"Also, to show your commitment, look out the window..... now."

The second he finishes his sentence, a massive trembling could be felt. Outside, one could see a long cargo train rumbling its way north, with kilometers of cargo cars attached.

"As a gift, we're sending one million tons of wheat by rail. Due to the lack of direct transporation, the cargo will enter Mongolia after the war through the border town of Kyakhta, which is directly to your north."

OOC: The area I control produces 8.9 million tons of wheat every year, and that's with the low-tech agricultural machinary in RL. Now, with the consumpition of about 4 million tons by my 91.5 million people, I'll have a surplus of about 5 million tons of wheat eveyr year.

Being an agricultural power is good ^_^

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"Hah! I think the children of Mongol-Sweden will be a little disappointed that we will be unable to fulfill the regular yak yields given that our main herding co-operatives have been scattered with the bombings, but this wheat will certainly be put to good use, I can assure you of that, and we are grateful that you would give so generously. Despite our differences, this will not be forgotten."

OOC: Obviously, given the largely arid climate of RL Mongolia, crops like wheat and such are not easy to farm, let alone in such quantities as you have described for yourself. Cattle herding, on the other hand, as well as a significant dairy industry, makes up for a lot of the agricultural shortfalls the Steppes has to put up with.

Edited by The Mongol-Swedes
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