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Tanis' Military Programme


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***The Tanisian Military Programme...***


TOP SERECT - Tanisian Armed Forces Military Projects

Classification Level - Generals and their aides, partial AC declassified; AC information clearance restricted. No AC observer status access granted.

Project 0232 - Coastal Defense Measures

Overview: Providing quality first-line of defense for the Republic of Tanis with an array of defensive emplacements. Construction will be low-footprint with mainly night construction to avoid satellite detection.

Phase 1: Construction of 3 16" batteries placed nine miles apart. Place in urban and rural areas. Employ 10-15 inch reinforced concrete bunkers with land topped over it to encase the batteries. EMP-proofing all electric components. Manual override equipped.

Stocked with medical, food, ammunition supplies, guns, hand-held anti-tank and anti-air equipment, and NBC emergency room. Coded entry with an inside manual override security system. Two to four machine gun nests to provide smaller arms fire to eliminate invading enemy ground forces. EMP protected backup power system, independent power/communication system (underground)


Phase 2: Anti-Ship - Anti-Air batteries

Placing these batteries every 17-21 miles. Remote launching sites, with very small footprint area. Construction scheduled at night.

Anti-Ship/Anti-Air Missile Specs (Based off the RIM-67 Standard ER slightly modified)

Weight - 3,020 pounds

Length - 27.2 feet

Warhead - Proximity fuse, high explosive 140 lb (62 kg) continuous rod, semi-armor piercing, later blast fragmentation

Propulsion - Two-stage, solid-fuel rocket; sustainer motor and booster motor

Operational Range - 65-110 nautical miles

Guidance System - Inertial/Semi active Radar

The system will include mobile AA vehicles with 40mm cannons and the portable Patriot missile system.

Phase 3: Anti-infantry pillboxes

Camouflaged with reinforced concrete. Placed from 100 yards to .75 from beaches. Will be equipped with portable anti-tank weapons. 7.62 mm machine guns and .50 calibur machine guns will be equipped.

Phase 4: Anti-Tank pillboxes

A hybrid pillbox with 7.62 mm machine guns with their main weapon being a six-shot re-loadable anti-tank missile launcher.

Phase 5: Mortar/Artillery Postitions

Dug in, lumber supported, camouflaged netted positions for 155mm towed artillery and 60mm mortar sites. Will be situated 5-10 miles inland for artillery positions, one mile for mortar positions.

Phase 6: Dug in tank bunkers

The Tanisian army will be digging a small hole to protect their tanks from the enemy ground forces.

Phase 7: Environmental Obstacles

The Republic of Tanis will invest heavily in planting Mangrove trees, heavy rocks, steep embankments and water obstacles in rural beach areas. Thus limiting possible favorable sea landing sites.

Phase 8: Other Self-Protection

In rural areas, the use of booby traps, land mines, barbed wire, anti-tank materials will be used.

Phase 8: Upgrading/Constructing Radar Sites

EMP-proofing electronics equipment, improving radar arrays to increase range to 300 nautical miles, equipment for NBC situations. (OOC Note: I know that radar arrays cannot be EMP proofed, hence it's only I'm EMPing the electrical stuff.)

In the event of missile detection, radar sites will have an auto shutdown feature or manual one. Three new radar sites will be constructed at undisclosed locations across various sites in Tanis.

Lastly, all radar sites will be equipped with a lead-lined bunker hidden several hundreds yards away that will be covered by land to hide it's footprint from the sky. These bunkers will be filled with spare parts in case of EMP warfare.

Project 0233 - Military Command Project

Phase 1: Secure Military Optics Line

A new communication/network line that shall be constructed all underground, in a lead-lined concrete trench for EMP-protection. Instant communcation lines to command centers, radar sites, military bases, federal government buildings, coastal defense sites, etc.

Phase 2: Underground military command complex

The Tanisian Armed Forces will be constructing a new base facility that will be 75% underground with a civilian settlement above for 23,000. A new air force base will be constructed as part of the facility.

Phase 3: Underground Power Plant

The Tanisian military will invest money to construct an power plant underneath a mountain to power the command center and well as strategic military bases. A test project was already under way.

Project 0234 - National Survivability Action Plan

Phase 1: Lead Bunker Sites

All major cities and military bases will be equipped with a large concrete, lead-lined bunker that stores various electronic parts in case of EMP warfare. Backup Emergency vechiles will be stored at the sites as will as a precaution.

Phase 2: Hydroponic Food Areas/Seed Bank

The government has given the military the go-ahead to green light the underground hydroponic food/seed bank 'bunkers' that will span tens of acres underground in two dozen areas across Tanis.

Phase 3: Mass Public Fallout Shelter Zones

Every major city in Tanis will be constructing several fallout shelters in the event of incoming WMDs. This will be built in parallel to mass transportation systems. Each shelter will have an independent power source as well as NBC suits, armory, a water tank with a well, and food storehouses.

Phase 4: Public Hospital Retrofit

All public hospitals in Tanis will be required to an underground section of their hospital to handle 40% of their above-ground capacity. This can be built off to the side and the roof will be reinforced concrete. This will be connected to the Mass Public Fallout Shelter System. They will have EMP proofing as well as spare equipment stored for their needs.

Edited by Quest07
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Project 0697 - LADAR Development Program

Overview: Classified military advancement project in targeting and identifying technology. The Tanisian military will be investing 6 year project on Laser Detection And Ranging technology (LADAR). We shall be checking financial feasibility, maintainability issues, airborne capabilities, and stealth detection capabilities. Will be testing RADAR vs LADAR capabilities.

Phase 1: Test subject development

A laboratory test LADAR test project will the first stage of development. Will be tracking costs and maintenance issues over the course of beginning development.

Phase 2: Airborne applications test

Will be mounting another test LADAR into an aircraft, will review storage room needed for the test. Main objectives of spotting various ground targets like tanks, missile launchers, etc.

Phase 3: Airborne warning applications test

Will be testing AWACS capabilities of LADAR against various aircraft subjects. Will be seeing effectiveness towards stealth based aircraft.

Phase 4: Production

Depending the results of phase 2 and 3, the future of LADAR for use by the Tanisian Armed Forces will be phased into production for either detecting hidden ground targets and/or AWACS applications.

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Project 0232 - Coastal Defense Measures

Phase 1 Progress - 15%

Battery construction continues to done at night with a low environmental footprint. Priority has been given to building the batterys along the Strait of Malacca. So far, six batteries have been assembled along a sixty mile stretch of coast along the strait. Meanwhile, progress on Java and the other islands is moving on progress with a total of 20 batteries near or completed.

Phase 2 Progress - 23%

Progress on stationary anti-air and anti-ship missile sites have accelerated across suspected points in Tanis. Work on the Malaccan Strait corridor has been ramped up as a priority one construction area. Two sites are completed. However, mobile AA sites are running on operational status.

Phase 3 & 4 Progress - 8%

Given phase 1 & 2 priority, construction is very slow. Few pillboxs near Banda Aceh are completed.

Phase 5 & 6 Progress - 30%

Using non-concrete materials, construction on the this has built dozens of these sites within 15 miles or less of the beaches.

Phase 7 Progress - 10%

Massive Mangrove Re-plantation project is 25% complete. However, dredging beaches water depth to 9 feet and building 'breakwater' areas about 50-100 yards of shore is 3% complete. The enlargement of swamps in select areas project in 5% complete. Other projects in Phase 7 have yet to be started.

Phase 8 Progress - 45%

Being the easiest of the phases, massive landing of landmines (anti-personnel and anti-tank) has been quite successful. Anti-tank emplacements is at 10%

Phase 9 Progress - 9%

EMP-proof bunkers are complete at a couple sites and we're moving in spare parts into the buildings. One new radar site is under construction and the other two are still on hold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Project 0232

Phase 1 Progress - 28%

Still continuing on night-low environmental footprint. Work has shifted to the southern end of the Strait of Malacca near Singapore. Construction on batteries along the Strait of Singapore has progressed, however, four batteries along the island on the east end of the strait are complete. So far work on the Malacca corridor is nearing 50%. The Banda Aceh - Merdica corridor has about a dozen batteries online. Work on Java is progressing more slowly, but battery work near Jakarta is completed. Work on the Lesser Sundra Islands is on hold as manpower is short.

Phase 2 Progress - 32%

Change in plans of anti-ship missile platforms was needed. Upgrading missile systems to the RGM-84A surface-launched anti-ship missile.

Weight 1,144–1,385 lb (519–628 kg) depending on launch platform

Length 15.4 ft (4.7 m)

Diameter 1.1 ft (0.34 m)

Warhead 487 lb (221 kg)

Engine turbojet engine

Wingspan 3 ft (0.91 m)

Operational range 58–196 mi (93–315 km) depending on launch platform

Flight altitude Sea-skimming

Speed 537 mph (864 km/h)(240 m/s)

Guidance system Active radar

The RGM-84A would compliment the existing missile platform of the RIM-67 Standard ER. The newest sites of the stationary platforms would be found on the island at the mouth of the eastern end of the Strait of Singapore. Various mobile anti-air/anti-ship sites continue to be online in various locations. About 13 sites are completed of stationary nature. Lead-lined underground storage sites to hold more missiles are under construction as well.

Phase 3 & 4 Progress - 15%

Given phase 1 & 2 priority, construction is very slow still. About two dozen pillboxes have been constructed in Banda Aceh and Medrica.

Phase 5 & 6 Progress - 42%

Using non-concrete materials, construction on the this has built dozens of these sites within 15 miles or less of the beaches.

Phase 7 Progress - 20%

Massive Mangrove Re-plantation project is 40% complete. However, dredging beaches water depth to 9 feet and building 'breakwater' areas about 50-100 yards of shore is 10% complete. The enlargement of swamps in select areas project in 17% complete. Other projects in Phase 7 have yet to be started.

Phase 8 Progress - 60%

Being the easiest of the phases, massive landing of landmines (anti-personnel and anti-tank) has been quite successful. Anti-tank emplacements is at 26%

Phase 9 Progress - 19%

EMP-proof bunkers are complete at a couple sites and we're moving in spare parts into the buildings. One new radar site is under construction and is 30% complete. Construction on the other two have just started.

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Project 0233

Phase 1: Secure Military Optics Line 7%

The new communication/network line has begun construction at existing military facilities and major government buildings. Beyond that, significant progress is non-existent.

Phase 2: Underground military command complex 3%

Construction on the new command centre has kicked off with the construction of the planned community development phase of the project. This should take about one and a half years to construct the entire community with full services. This should cover the true nature of the community, which will have few military personnel.

Phase 3: Underground Power Plant 2%

As part of the research project, the TAF developed a small-scale oil power plant as part of underground power plant project. Having seen a successful conclusion, they will attempt to build a bigger power plant nearby to power the new command complex and if possible, other major base facilities.

Project 0234 - National Survivability Action Plan

Phase 1: Lead Bunker Sites 8%

The first major city that has received funding for this project is Merdica, capital of Tanis. Due to shortages in lead, this project has been stop and go for quite awhile. Only about 20% of the four planned bunkers for Merdica are complete.

Phase 2: Hydroponic Food Areas/Seed Bank 0%

Has received nominal funding... but no formal construction has started.

Phase 3: Mass Public Fallout Shelter Zones 0%

No governmental funding at the moment for the federal level. However, province and city funding for the project is accumulating slowly.

Phase 4: Public Hospital Retrofit 2%

This has received nominal funding... but enough to kick off one project at one hospital in Merdica. Just beginning construction.

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