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Influence in Indonesia


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Internal Memo circulated around Imperium banking interests.


It appears the Imperial Government has begun to finance clouted individuals and groups in the island chains south of their vicroyalty in south east Asia. Several billion in credits have been funneled through a series of dummy corporations; what is particularly interesting is that all this money seems to be stemming from the heavily subsidized multinational energy firm Solex. A series of consultants and advisers publicly not associated with the imperium appear to be active in the region; their exact purposes are unknown, however we do know they are on the payroll of Great House Kaine. Moreover Solex Office of Security personal appear to be running operations in areas of Indonesia not under the Viceroyalty's control. This will be particularly interesting to continue to watch.


OOC: No further Imperialism is planned in the region; I am just Rping a friend into the game.

Edited by iamthey
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Memo sent to the office of the Imperial Regent by the head of the Solex Office of Security, James Patterson.


As ordered forces have been assassinating local leaders who appear to be resisting the new Conglomerate, or refuse to join it. Moreover said assassinations have been masked to appear to be nothing more than local instability. To help in stabilizing control over your own viceroyalty a false warlord has been created propaganda has been employed to unify the people in the new Viceroyalty against anti-Imperium sentiment. Moreover SOS forces are continuing to terrorize areas external of the AZ2 (administrative zone two) this will prime the locals for the new government led by local officials. As ordered most of these are hyperbolized and spread using local means of information exchange. In most cases these are actually acts of terror on buildings we ourselves built, are abandoned, or are unoccupied. Expect the new government to be in place within the following weeks.


Edited by iamthey
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