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registration error


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i just saw this browser game and wanted to participate, but i can't.

After filling up the required fields and click on "register" following message is showed:


Multiple nations controlled by the same player is not allowed and it appears that you already have an account with Cyber Nations. If you do not remember your user name or password you can have it sent to you."

I tried 3 different emailadresses and checked if my chosen Nickname is avaible and i'm not sitting in a library or other public places.....so whats the problem?

can somebody help me?

Edited by Valis23
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nobody ever heared of cybernations and i'm using the internetconnection on my own. I saw a thread on ars regendi yesterday and wanted to join cybernations. i also restarted my router, so the ip changed but that also didn't work....

i even tried it with other browsers like netscape oder ie.....same problem

Edited by Valis23
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