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Panic in Slavorussia

Justinian the Mighty

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A war is being fought in central and northern Europe. One that threatens to destroy the civilization as we know it. Already there have been over two dozen nuclear launches all aimed at Europe and western Asia. The nuclear explosion in the Hansa threatens to spread nuclear fallout to Slavorussia’s Baltic provinces, threatening almost 7 million lives. Fear grips the citizens in Northwestern Slavorussia, then panic. The scene of Slavorussian citizens frantically try to flee the cities can only be described as chaotic. Anarchy appears to have gripped the Northwest.

In the provincial capitals of Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn are engulfed by riots as those who are unable to leave the city loot and pillage their once great cities. Law enforcement officials do their best to maintain law and order, but the wave or rioters proves to be too much for them to handle. Rioters break store windows and steal the goods, they flip over police cars and set them aflame. Molotov $@tails are hurled into government and private buildings setting them ablaze.

Provincial governors declare martial law. The imperial government declares the empire to be in a state of emergency, and dispatches 25,000 imperial troops to the area to restore law and order. The soldiers will also coordinate the evacuation of the Northwest and ensure it is done as quickly and smoothly as possible.

In the Muscovy Imperial Military District (Moscow) the military is put on high alert. The Imperial Guard evacuates the royal family, Prime Minister Kolesnikov and Deputy PM Beylakov, as well as several high ranking Slavorussian MP’s. The government gives the order to open up all bunkers to the public, including the ones under the parliament, imperial palace and the Kremlin Fortress. Similar actions are taken in all major Slavorussian cities.

Slavorussia’s withdrawal of support will surely anger those aligned against Gebiv, but in times of darkness one looks to take care of his own first, then he seeks to help others. Slavorussia now hoped to preserve the government and defend the citizens from annihilation.

While millions of Slavorussians leave the cities, they look and wonder if they will ever come back again. They know the next time they see their homes, they may be looking through the visors of radiation suits.

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With assistance from imperial troops, local police are slowly but surely restoring law and order to Baltic cities. Riga and Vilnius have been classed medium risk cities, the government doesn’t believe there is any immediate danger of nuclear fallout reaching them. Tallinn and St. Petersburg however are classed high risk and need to be evacuated immediately.

The Imperial Armed Forces are ordered to evacuate every city and town within a 300km radius of the nuclear blast. The only problem in their way are the riots still going on. In Tallinn riots still engulf most of the city. Civilians in the streets have engaged in several fatal fights, set dozens of vehicles and buildings on fire, and stolen thousands of roubles worth of merchandise. In contrast the evacuation of St. Petersburg is going smoothly, aside from small traffic jams and the occasional outbreak of road rage

To quell the riots police are given clearance to use non-lethal force to neutralize threats, and make arrests. Police are equipped with riot armor and shields to protect them from rioters. They also have tear gas and taser guns. In addition their firearms are loaded with non-lethal rounds. Police are determined to return order to the cities by any means necessary.

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Statement to the Slavorussian people and Qatari subjects of the Imperial Crown from the Prime Minister and Emperor:

To the loyal subjects of the Slavorussian Imperial Crown, rest peacefully tonight knowing your government is doing everything within its power to bring an end to the nuclear war plaguing our world. We are extremely sensitive to the plight of our people, and we will not leave you to fend for yourselves. Supplies are being transported to Qatar as we speak, enough to last for several weeks.

The Slavorussian northwest is being evacuated, all citizens are to report to their designated evacuation routes and exit the cities in a calm and orderly manner. Police with assistance from the Imperial Army are working diligently to restore order, and return stability to the region.

Throughout the rest of the empire, schools will remain open, businesses will continue to operate, mail will be delivered on time, entertainment and sporting events should continue as scheduled. The government still continues to operate in full capacity, and law and order will be maintained. Citizens are asked to live their lives as they normally do, but with a healthy respect for your fellow man. Local governments are also required to ensure their citizens are fully aware of evacuations plans in case more cities are required to evacuate. Nuclear fallout shelters are being prepared to house the bulk of the Slavorussian population for several months. In the event we are forced underground we can assure you the government will continue to operate then, but at present time we are confident that will not be necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your local government with them.

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