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[CNRP]Destiny Comes Full Circle


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On a blustery February morning a letter would arrive to the Diet Hall in Helsinki. It was addressed to the Prime Minister, and from Larsa.

Dearest Sarah,

If you are not too busy, I would like to meet with you in the Conservatory whenever you have a free moment. What I have to say, and the question I will inevitably ask is one of great importance, both to us and our nations. Bring whomever you feel is necessary, and should hear this.

With Love,


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Dearest Larsa,

It would do me great honor to meet you there and I am intrigued at what you and I must discuss. However I will attend alone, given the circumstances that are effecting Europe at the moment, the government must continue to extend Hanseatic views to the world. However, I anxiously await you in the Conservatory.




Opening the doors to the Conservatory, Sarah found the entire area empty. Slowly she walked towards the center, towards the small crystal fountain in the center. Sitting down under the angel, she listened to the calmness of the water and the silence that hung in the warm air of the Conservatory. Attentively, she listened with all energy for the footsteps that she wanted to approach.

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Dearest Larsa,

It would do me great honor to meet you there and I am intrigued at what you and I must discuss. However I will attend alone, given the circumstances that are effecting Europe at the moment, the government must continue to extend Hanseatic views to the world. However, I anxiously await you in the Conservatory.




Opening the doors to the Conservatory, Sarah found the entire area empty. Slowly she walked towards the center, towards the small crystal fountain in the center. Sitting down under the angel, she listened to the calmness of the water and the silence that hung in the warm air of the Conservatory. Attentively, she listened with all energy for the footsteps that she wanted to approach.

Not long after, Larsa poked out from behind a nearby tree and sat next to Sarah. There was something in his hand, though she could not make out exactly what it was.

"Hello Sarah. I am sure you are wondering why I called for you out of the blue. Thuth is, I've done a lot of thinking lately. Long and hard, and I have come to a realization."

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Not long after, Larsa poked out from behind a nearby tree and sat next to Sarah. There was something in his hand, though she could not make out exactly what it was.

"Hello Sarah. I am sure you are wondering why I called for you out of the blue. Thuth is, I've done a lot of thinking lately. Long and hard, and I have come to a realization."

"Realization?" Sarah looked at Larsa strangely and smiled, as she looked him over she saw his one hand closed tightly, holding something. She looked back up at him with curious eyes. "What's going on?"

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"Realization?" Sarah looked at Larsa strangely and smiled, as she looked him over she saw his one hand closed tightly, holding something. She looked back up at him with curious eyes. "What's going on?"

Larsa stood up before her and kneeled. He took the small black box, not opening it, but placing it in her hand and cupping them together.

"I realized that what started out as a simple love has blossomed into something very special between us, and I want to be with you always. I think you understand. Think about it, as I have. If you are not ready, I understand."

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Sarah's eyes widened almost instantly as blue of her irises became a brilliant sapphire illuminated by the tears beginning to accumulate around her eyes. "Larsa." She said quietly. "I've waited for this moment my whole life." Her voice cracked in a gigantic smile as her hands shook trying to hold the small black box still. "Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to meet someone that would love me, and that I could love them back. Larsa, ever since I got your letter going to the refugee camp in Slavorussia I always felt that maybe one day, one day off in the distant future we would be together. That we would love each other." The makeup around her eyes was now covering small gray lines down her pale face.

She looked back down at the box and slowly opened it. Looking down at the content, she dropped the box on the ground and began to cry. Throwing her arms around the general. "Its beautiful and yes. I am more than ready."

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Sarah's eyes widened almost instantly as blue of her irises became a brilliant sapphire illuminated by the tears beginning to accumulate around her eyes. "Larsa." She said quietly. "I've waited for this moment my whole life." Her voice cracked in a gigantic smile as her hands shook trying to hold the small black box still. "Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to meet someone that would love me, and that I could love them back. Larsa, ever since I got your letter going to the refugee camp in Slavorussia I always felt that maybe one day, one day off in the distant future we would be together. That we would love each other." The makeup around her eyes was now covering small gray lines down her pale face.

She looked back down at the box and slowly opened it. Looking down at the content, she dropped the box on the ground and began to cry. Throwing her arms around the general. "Its beautiful and yes. I am more than ready."

Larsa looked into her eyes and smiled.

"I suppose with trepidations aside I should go ahead and do this proper. Though I know the answer now." he said grabbing the box, opening it and once again kneeling before her.

"Sarah Tintagyl, will you marry me?"

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Moving back from embracing him Sarah nodded over and over again a great grin over her face. "Yes Larsa Solidor, yes forever and ever."

OOC: And of course Larsa must do the honors of placing the ring on the finger.

Taking the ring out of it's container, he silently slid it onto her ring finger. Standing up and still holding her hand. The two just stood there looking deeply at one another, taking in the serene euphoria of that moment.

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Truly, with out question it was going to one of the great moments of her life, as Sarah stood in Larsa's arm staring deep into his eyes she couldn't have imagined in millions of years that it would come to this. How was it possible that she was able to have such, to have survived so much, and now, not to have anything ripped away but so much added. It was a magnificent ring, the diamond sparkled in the afternoon sun shining down on the Conservatory, while the water from the crystal fountain quietly trickled behind them, only adding to the majesty of the moment.

Lost in the euphoria, Sarah did not even notice the crowd of politicians, officials, and servant who had come up from the Hall below. Over thirty of them had formed a line looking down at Larsa and herself and when Sarah finally noticed she couldn't help but laugh. All of them stood smiling in approval and Karl with a modest smile on his face, her parents would be proud, and they were smiling down on her.

"Well what are you waiting for! Kiss him Sarah! Kiss him!" Her maid screamed out from the crowd and everyone laughed. However, not to disappoint the crowd, Sarah looked back up into the generals eyes and placing her hands on his face leaned forward for her kiss as an engaged woman. And only prudent to Sarah's thought, though lost in the passion of the kiss, now that she was in love, now that she was getting married, what of the coming war in Europe? What would happen to them? She believed their love would endure, but the wheels in the sky sometimes had different ideas. At that moment, Sarah made a pledge deep within her heart, that even unto death she would never abandon either her love of her heart or the love of her state.

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Larsa, in the emotion of that moment hadn't even noticed the gallery of onlookers. Even the shout of the maid largely went unnoticed. It was only after the kiss that Larsa looked up at them. Saying nothing, he only smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.

It was only a matter of time before the press got wind, but it didn't matter, there was much to be done, both Sarah and Larsa knew that much. They were both still very new to this whole Engagement thing and the two obviously wanted to make sure that the next few weeks went as smoothly as possible.

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Prime Minister Tintagyl Finally Gets Ready To Tie The Knot

by Christoph Engstromm

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Hansa you have heard it right, Sarah Tintagyl, our Prime Minister and the face of the nation will need to be putting some extra room in the Diet Hall for General Larsa Solidor. An unconfirmed source today send word that yesterday morning the General, in the new Conservatory in the Diet finally knelt down and delivered a diamond ring finally beginning to consolidate the bonds between the two. The Helsinki Times has covered this story since the beginning. During the nuclear crisis, men told stories of the strengthening bonds between the former Steward of Franzharia and our young head of state. From there it blossomed out as prior reports said that General Solidor had moved to a farmhouse just a stones throw away in the Helsinki farming district. Pictures of the two at the celebratory ball also had them dancing and other well wishes and then teams of reporters saw them together at the Valentine's Day Symphony.

So now that the ring is on the finger, marriage is the only viable option for these two love-birds and I can assure everyone in the country that I will be there to watch. A lot of people are probably reading this and thinking, well what about all the talk of war that's been reaching our ears, what about that. To them I say this, a great philosopher once said something along these lines. That the citizens and the leaders are tied to the same state through the same contract and that in away we are an embodiment of our leader. This is a marriage for the Hansa and a marriage for Europe. Maybe, the guns will drop when that young girl begins to march down the isle. And to Lady Sarah, you are in all of our hearts and we are incredibly happy for what sure will be one of the happiest days for you.

Sarah looked down at the front page of the newspaper and smiled. It helped that the people that mattered most were supportive, but everyone enjoys a good romance story. The bad part however, was that now since everyone and every business knew where to find her the Diet was being bombarded with dress companies willing to give their most expensive dress away for the occasion. If the Prime Minister would wear it then maybe more people would shop at their store. She had never planned a wedding, but most of the planning was actually being taken care of by the Diet themselves. As strange as it was, war politics had seemed to get boring for many of them, if war was to break out, then it would break out and many believed there was nothing the Hansa could do, but wait. So members of the Diet amused themselves by talking with her about many of the things she wanted to see done for her wedding day and Sarah saw the country the most united it had been since the nuclear crisis. It was truly a miracle of sorts and if it was possible, she would invite the entire country to Helsinki Cathedral on that special day.

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