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For oil and lumber nations


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Now one of our trade circle members deleted himself and now someone here can officially take his place. Only requirement is you must have lumber and oil. HEre are the bonuse resources you can achieve: FIne jewelry, automobiles, microchips, asphalt, steel, scholars. These are quite some bonuses.

Please Oil and lUmber nations help us out. We are 4/5 members and we just need that one person to achieve this incredible feat.. PLEASE JOIN!!!!!

Heres the url to our trade circle thread just reply on it if you are intrested

URL: http://www.ragnarok-alliance.com/forums/in...mp;#entry164779

WE really dont care if your aqua color or not just please join us. O Yeah and please be active :D :D

HEre are the other members of my circle:



Jason Salovsky


These are real people please join!!!!!

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