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Operation Propowar

Stefano Palmieri

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OOC:Closed RP between me and Araknos for now, this may change.


A commercial flight landed down in Rhodes. Two Cainettian travellers hopped of the plane. The man and the woman walked out of the airport and into the waiting bay where a taxi was waiting. Sweat was starting to show on their forheads, the relative heat was starting to be felt. The taxi took them too a crowded part of the city. Two/Three story buildings were pacted in with families. Peoples washing was strung out on lines between buildings. The tourists hopped out of the car, paid the driver and headed into a building. An old Atlantian woman welcomed them and asked them to sit while she got her son.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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The couple made themselves comfy while the lady dissapeared. When she returned she was followed by this big, bald man who was flanked by his gourgeous wife. They came and sat opposite the Cainettian couple, as they were doing this the old lady excused herself to go do some shopping. As she left she said "Please no blood on the carpets its such a pain to get out". The male Cainettian, Frank, got straight to bussiness. "Mr Dimitriadis, me and my associate here would like to aquire the help of your association." Dimitriadis replied "Who do you and your associate represent?" The Cainettian woman, Marie stepped in. "Look, know this Mr Dimitriadis. We represent a group who your government has made trouble for recently. Now you will either do what we ask and be paid enough for you to live comfortably or we give these delightful pictures of you to the police". She then proceeded to produce pictures of him doing a deal with a big time crime baron in Atlantis. "H-h-how did you get these?" Marie sat back in her chair, "That is not important" she said, "now we will be paying you job by job. At 10pm a a delivery of flyers will be dropped off here with instructions." With that Frank and Marie got up and left. Just as she was about to walk out the door, Marie turned around and said "Also, please tell your mother, she, has a beautiful home." With that she left.

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OOC: The proper term when not using the full name of my nation is either Atlantis or the Federation. While you develop that plot line, I'm going to develop this from the view of a reporter. I'll post after you do something worthy of the ANN.

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At exactly 10pm that evening a van pulled up outside the house. 2 men got out and started unloading large packs of flyers into the house. Dimitriadis was shocked at how prompt the delivery was. As he was going to see where everything was being unloaded, when one of the delivery men gave him a letter. The letter read Here are the flyers. Distribute them over the city by sunrise. You will be paid on completion of the job. "S@#t" thought Dimitriadis. He had roughly 8hrs to distribute them over Rhoades City. He picked up one of the flyers it said in big letters "Your Government has failed you, RESIST RESIST RESIST!" "Great" he muttered to himself. After the removalist was gone, Dimitriadis called up top level people in his "organisation". By midnight 100 members had loaded up the flyers into cars and started randomly flying them over the city. They focused on the main Industrial area and the CBD. By the time they got home it was 3am. As he stumbled through the door half a sleep there was a message scrawled on the table. You have done well. 250k is now in your account. Dimitriadis when to bed a happy man.

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A few days later when Dimitriadis got out of bed, walked down stairs and found a note on the table. "How do they get in here?" he thought to himself. The note said The Communist Party needs some help. Hop to it. "What am I meant to do?" he again thought to himself. He got changed and went for a walk. He was walking through the slummy parts of the city when I man bumped into him shoving a piece of paper in his hands. The note said If your are so stuck for ideas get your goons to start a strike. He rolled his eyes and went off to start his next job.

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Charlemagne Street, New Aachen

People in their droves came to attend the rally. At least 1000 people turned up to the rally. It was a great day for the Communist Party of Atlantis. Workers who were dissatisfied by there employers and their government turned up. The Rally was funded by an unknown source. The rally grew as it headed to the CBD of New Aachen. People were calling out "Down With The Government" and "Workers of New Aachen Unite" flyers encouraging passive resistance were handed out but many were destroyed. After reaching the Government building for an 3 hours they called for the Governments resignation and a peaceful handover to the Peoples Party. When it got dark the people seperated and went home. No damage was done and no violent acts were commited during the parade.

Announcement From the Communist Party of Atlantis.

Mr Constantine Dimitriadis is the New Secratary of the Communist Party of Atlantis.

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That evening

Dimitriads got home and was surprised to See the Cainettian couple their waiting for him. "Hi" he said to the couple as he walked into the house with the couple following in pursuit. Once inside they sat down around the table. Then Marie said "Good Work. Now another Dimitriadis will be the face of the party yet you shall be in control." "How did you manage that?" Dimitriadis asked. Frank Stepped in "as you know we have our ways". "So what next?" Dimitriadis asked. "Well" said Marie "Now we want you to get more members. We need you to become larger. At least 3000-4000 Membership. When that is done then we can call a meeting." "A meeting?" "Yes a meeting. Now we will be on our way". With that Frank and Marie left.

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New Aachen Hall, New Aachen

"So your sure this was a freak thing?" said Desra.

"Yeah." said Holoni. (OOC:From now on, it will be question-answer form./OOC)

"So, why did they do this?"

"They want power. Power to rule and control."

"So, what do we do?"

"We enforce our laws."

"Is that all we can do?"



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There was a knock at the door. Dimitriadis went down stairs in no great hurry as he had a sneaking suspision as to who it was. As he suspected Marie and Frank were there. "Dimitriadis pack your pags we're leaving", Marie ordered him. "What the hell?" Dimitriadis said confused. "We are going for a trip" said Frank, "To a more secure part of the nation. We dont need anything happening to our investment." So he packed his bags and his mothers. They then headed to ruarl part of the country to plan their next move.

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Rural Rhodes

Down in the Basement of "Marianette Estate" Dimitriadis was getting restless. "Why cant I be up there with my people?!" he yelled. Marie replied calmly "You need to be here where you can survive." "You have no IDEA! My countrymen are dying!"he screamed. "Frank replied cooly "So are ours. Tahoe got nuked. The fall out will be in Cainette in a matter of days." "Oh..." said Dimitriadis. "Now we wait till the radiation passes." Frank said. He the opened up a can of Peaches as the rain started to fall.

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OOC: Thanks for the rain. You scrubbed my atmosphere. :P

IC: New Aachen, Atlantian Federation

An estimate 30000 people have already died from radiation, but this severe rainsrom has scrubbed the atmosphere around us for the time being, however, this is only temnporary. we advise and stringly urge all citizens to take shelter underground.

In addition, the government is abandoning the rural areas in order to try and prevent a total collapse of law and order in New Aachen and other large towns in the surrounding areas.

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