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10-15 3x3/1x3 Tech Deals Wanted $3m/100t or $6m/150t

John Ron

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We are looking for quite a few 1x3, 3x3 tech dealers. We'd prefer to do deals in a 1x3 format. We will have our bankers send you $3m-6m and you send our tech buying nations 100-150t, basically anyone in the top half of our alliance. For $3m/100 it will require 3 aid slots and for $6m/150 it will require all 5 of your slots (you receive $6m and send out 150t to 3 Aircastle Nations. Tech would have to be sent within 24 hours of receiving the money.

We are also in need of 2-3 $20 donations. We will pay $18m or $12m/150t for those.

Thank you! PM me here or ingame.

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so let me get this straight, i send u 100t and u give me 3mill. ifi give you 150t, u give me 6mill?

Yes that's correct. We'll send you $3m-6m and you send us 100-150t the next day/same day. If you look at our alliance we are in need of 10-15 tech sellers.

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