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Pacifists in London


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OOC: Assume this is after the events in Neo Franzharia :)


(Imperial Defensive Air Force 2, Somewhere above the Baltic, 1700)

The Viceroy was no on it's way to the second part of his journey in Europe going to make sure one of his last Imperial Orders would be possible.

"It is expected we will arrive in the United Kingdom within 3 hours, your highness"the Captain said over the intercom.

"Very well"

The journey was a long one but hopefully worth it as he didn't want to leave the United Kingdom without some change in relations happening as ever since the European Wars both nations got divided and a very precious friendship was lost.

He pushed the button of the intercom again. "Please inform me when we enter their airspace"

--3 hours later--

"Imperial Defensive Air Force 2 requesting permission to land, over"

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The jet safely landed at the airport with the Viceroy stepping out of it with his guards not much later. Before he walked down the stairs he looked around.

"It has been a long time since I have been here"he said while walking towards the Delegation.

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"No, not at all. The British secret service are among the best in the world. They will ensure your safety. so, How are you?"

"Tired of leading the nation and glad in a short while I can resign. How have you been? It is a big and difficult change merging nations"

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"Tired of leading the nation and glad in a short while I can resign. How have you been? It is a big and difficult change merging nations"

"how is that then? Actually the changes to the people are minimal. The Welsh People could speak Scottish and the Scottish people could speak welsh. The peoples had the same culture/music/film. They were virtually the same people, it was just their passports separating them... Now that's removed they are one people. The office side of it has been long and tiring however. Changing most things over to include British on it etc. But, i've enjoyed it. I am Proud to the Queen of The United Kingdom."

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"how is that then? Actually the changes to the people are minimal. The Welsh People could speak Scottish and the Scottish people could speak welsh. The peoples had the same culture/music/film. They were virtually the same people, it was just their passports separating them... Now that's removed they are one people. The office side of it has been long and tiring however. Changing most things over to include British on it etc. But, i've enjoyed it. I am Proud to the Queen of The United Kingdom."

"The Office work is what I meant I can only imagine you are exhausted from it all"

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"Good let's hope this meeting will make future ones possible... Shall we go?"he asked.

"yes, of course."

The Queen led the Viceroy to a black rolls royce that was waiting at the end of the runway. "I hope you don't mind but we've got a slight alteration to the journey." The car went slightly off course and towards a more rural setting. The Queen and the Viceroy got out of the car, and they were greeted by a school choir standing on a hillside. "I thought i'd show you some of the UK's Talent of the future" said Catherine smiling. (ooc:


After the song the Queen Clapped politely and got back into the car with the Viceroy and they headed to Buckingham Palace for meetings.

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"yes, of course."

The Queen led the Viceroy to a black rolls royce that was waiting at the end of the runway. "I hope you don't mind but we've got a slight alteration to the journey." The car went slightly off course and towards a more rural setting. The Queen and the Viceroy got out of the car, and they were greeted by a school choir standing on a hillside. "I thought i'd show you some of the UK's Talent of the future" said Catherine smiling. (ooc:


After the song the Queen Clapped politely and got back into the car with the Viceroy and they headed to Buckingham Palace for meetings.

AFfter enjoying the song the Viceroy went back with the queen in the car.

"Very well I have to admit remind me to bring you to one of our talents when you come over to Sanc City"Milliardo said.

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AFfter enjoying the song the Viceroy went back with the queen in the car.

"Very well I have to admit remind me to bring you to one of our talents when you come over to Sanc City"Milliardo said.

"I'd love to have that opportunity."

The Pair arrived at the Palace half an hour later. The Queen led the Viceroy to a private meeting room. " The King may be along later also if he has time. What would you like to discuss firstly?"

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"Well as you know ever since the last war in Europe we have grown apart a mutual friendship and respect between our people got lost, this might take a time to heal therefore I suggest formal exchanges of for example students and Military Officers so we can make sure our population knows more about the other I also recommend some kind of Friendship Treaty pending results of said exchanges"

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"Well as you know ever since the last war in Europe we have grown apart a mutual friendship and respect between our people got lost, this might take a time to heal therefore I suggest formal exchanges of for example students and Military Officers so we can make sure our population knows more about the other I also recommend some kind of Friendship Treaty pending results of said exchanges"

"That sounds like a great idea... I'll get the British Government to fund 100 British students to travel to the Imperial Union's high schools or universitys. We'll get loads of press coverage for it. Also, i'll get some news agencys to run a special article or slot on The Imperial Union. This is very exciting."

Edited by welshgazza1992
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"That sounds like a great idea... I'll get the British Government to fund 100 British students to travel to the Imperial Union's high schools or universitys. We'll get loads of press coverage for it. Also, i'll get some news agencys to run a special article or slot on The Imperial Union. This is very exciting."

"A very good idea my Imperial Envoy od Internal Affairs will do the same. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?"

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