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White Peace with LEO


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Just to make sure folks actually read and get it.

Rodentia Dominatus and League of Extraordinary Oranges have reached a Peace Agreement.

A White Peace.

I would ask that all friends who have joined in, get the fights settled down and such. You do have our thanks on this. If you are a member of an alliance MDoAP'd with us, are engaged, and have not recieved a com message from your boss. I'd ask that you hold any strikes unless in self-defense... Until they can log in and catch up.

Thank you,


XO; War Leader; Rodentia Dominatus

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Thaisport would like me to let everyone know he is sorry for," being out of touch" today but RL has tied him up.

He is glad this has been resolved quickly and peacefully! As am I!

Thanks for your time!


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Hey Everyone,

Glad to see this resolved. I've been tied up in meetings and stuff. In short, real life this has tied up a lot of my time. CNte keeps my edge sharp for real life stuff too,plus it's fun. Below is the like to the project in Real Life I'm dealing with.


It's sad that there are still people very closed minded in this world.

Anyway, back to CNte, I'm glad we got this done and sorry again for being out of communication for much of today.


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I have been recieving reports from several nations about still being attacked, can you guys get your nations in order. Its hard for me to tell them just to sit there and take the attacks after peace was achieved

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As the Commander General of ADULT, I still have not received word of this peace agreement.

But I am glad that an agreement has been reached and I hereby pull ADULT out of the dogpile. Please end all offensive attacks on ADULT (not that there were many, but...)

Regards and best wishes to all,


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As the Commander General of ADULT, I still have not received word of this peace agreement.

But I am glad that an agreement has been reached and I hereby pull ADULT out of the dogpile. Please end all offensive attacks on ADULT (not that there were many, but...)

Regards and best wishes to all,


will you send this message to all your members ASAP

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Sorry on that, csc...hadn't gotten the word that there had been a command change so cc'd to previous. Thus, ADULT was late getting the word.

You run the same leader name there? If so I'll pop you on my list that I keep handy.

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Good to see ADULT pulling out as well, now what is the word from UW on this?

I believe they are pulling out as well, peaced has been achieved!! :D

Edited by Burning Glory
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