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Trade Debate

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I am of the opinion that is possibly the best build early on:

Resource list:

- Aluminum

- Cattle

- Coal

- Gold

- Iron

- Lead

- Oil

- Pigs

- Spices

- Sugar

- Uranium

- Wheat

Economic effect:

Income: +$10.5

Citizens: +20.89%

Happiness: +7.5

Infra cost: -16.88%

Tech cost: -12.6%

Land cost: -10%

Land bonus: +24.2%

Bill effect:

Infra UpK: -12.7%

Soldier UpK: -$1

Tank UpK: -16.97%

Nuke UpK: -60%

Navy UpK: -38.44%

Aircraft UpK: -25%

Military effect:

Soldier eff.: +63.94%

Soldier cost: -$6

CM cost: -20%

Nukes cost: -20%

Tanks cost: -8%

Navy Cost: -27.33%

Aircraft Cost: -11.68%

And after 3,000NS this one would be best:

Resource list:

- Aluminum

- Coal

- Gems

- Gold

- Iron

- Lumber

- Marble

- Oil

- Pigs

- Rubber

- Silver

- Uranium

Economic effect:

Income: +$14

Citizens: +3.5%

Happiness: +11

Infra cost: -35.2%

Tech cost: -5%

Land cost: -10%

Land bonus: +38%

Bill effect:

Infra UpK: -23.7%

Soldier UpK: -$0.5

Tank UpK: -9.75%

Nuke UpK: -50%

Navy UpK: -14.5%

Military effect:

Soldier eff.: +63.94%

Soldier cost: -$6

Navy Cost: -19.25%

Aircraft Cost: -15.21%

Aircraft Limit: +10

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I would think that the 8BR would have more value in TE since wars are much more frequent. Plus since your nation doesn't grow as large, the population bonuses probably don't have the same impact as happiness and increased income. You have to buy your own tech so the cost decrease there is also significant.

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since income scales per citizen it has the same effect regardless of size, infact it is more important for large nations because their improvements can multiply it. Population is big when you are <1k infra because every improvement counts. 1 guerilla camp beats the difference in military between a 3br and an 8br, also the increased soldier cap and income puts them in a much better posistion.

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I was discussing this with someone a week or so ago and I looked at the numbers - in terms of balance the 5BR is likely the ideal set-up for TE, or at least the best compromise. But you get a 3BR with fish on the go and 5 GCs and nobody is getting through...

If you look in the top 10 there are a couple of 8BRs, one 5BR and the other 7 are basically 3BR type efforts - not all complete 3BRs due to resource restrictions and people not really caring as much about their TE nation - but definitely following the 3BR resource list theme. Having said that, it's not proof that the 3BR is better because the 3BR could be arbitrarily preferred by 70% of nations so it just could be a snapshot representation of the % as a whole really.

I personally swear by a 3BR though. A 27-ish% pop boost is formidable, especially in the improvement race.

For some reason I feel compelled to stand up for lead here. It get's such a hard time - 20% off your heavy military bills is great and it can give you access to scholars which in itself is just ok, but really helps to balance it out into a decent resource IMO.

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I would think that the 8BR would have more value in TE since wars are much more frequent. Plus since your nation doesn't grow as large, the population bonuses probably don't have the same impact as happiness and increased income. You have to buy your own tech so the cost decrease there is also significant.

I find the population boosters more important in CN:TE. In CN most nations who have been playing for a while and know what they are doing have already long ago maxed out their improvement slots. In CN:TE no one will even come close. Being able to put out 5 guerilla camps makes you pretty invulnerable to attacks except from like 1 or 2% of nations.

And if you are buying tech at all in CN:TE other than like the first day, you're doing it wrong lol :)

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