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5-BR () w/Uranium


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Status: Disbanded


Base Resources: Aluminum, Cattle, Coal, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Rubber, Uranium, Water, Wheat

Bonus Resources: Asphalt, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Steel

This trade circle is designed specifically for growing nations. Its primary purposes are to minimize the cost of infrastructure (both purchase and upkeep) as well as to provide a sizable increase in population. The specific benefits are listed below. Since the population increase is so high, it is more beneficial than raising citizen income and thus becomes a better overall deal than many of the 8-BR trade circles in terms of total net income.

It is encouraged but not required that you join the Orange Team because that is where most of our members are and you will get the most happiness for your nation by residing with Orange. Also, I ask that if you decide later to leave the trade circle, please notify me at least 72 hours in advance so that I can find a replacement for you in order to keep the circle together.

One last order of business. This trade circle can only be completed if all nations involved have a harbor improvement. For any nations that do not have a harbor improvement, PM me in-game and I can send you the aid necessary to obtain a harbor.

Reply Format

If you would like to join, you can either reply here or PM me in-game. I ask that you reply with:

1) Nation Name:

2) Nation Ruler:

3) Nation Link:

4) Resources:

5) Should I leave this circle, I agree to leave a resignation notice at least 72-hours in advance (Y/N):


Infra purchase: -42%

Infra upkeep: -26%

Pop increase: 21%

Happiness increase: 9 (this number will be higher after team color bonus)

Environment: +1

Soldier efficiency: +38%

Soldier purchase: -$6

Tank upkeep: -10%

Aircraft purchase: -16%

Aircraft limit: +10

Land area increase: 35%

Land purchase: -25%

Edited by hueylewis53
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1) Nation Name: Zangar

2) Nation Ruler: Whitney

3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=290799

4) Resources: Wheat Aluminum

5) Desired Color(s): Blue, but I'm easily flexible

6) I agree to leave a notice from resignation of this circle at least 72-hours in advance: Yes

Added. Need four more to complete.

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1) Nation Name:Holcombia

2) Nation Ruler: notime4bull

3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=232529

4) Resources: Iron & Lumber

5) Desired Color(s): preferrably orange (since i can't change but if it is another color that is fine too

6) I agree to leave a notice from resignation of this circle at least 72-hours in advance: yes

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1) Nation Name:Holcombia

2) Nation Ruler: notime4bull

3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=232529

4) Resources: Iron & Lumber

5) Desired Color(s): preferrably orange (since i can't change but if it is another color that is fine too

6) I agree to leave a notice from resignation of this circle at least 72-hours in advance: yes

Added. Need three more to complete.

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1) Nation Name: Khaz Modan

2) Nation Ruler: Krunk the Great

3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=219578

4) Resources: Cattle/Marble

5) Desired Color(s): Blue

6) I agree to leave a notice from resignation of this circle at least 72-hours in advance: (A Yes/No answer will suffice here) Yesh (I do that anyway :-p

Edited by krunkthegreat
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1) Nation Name: Khaz Modan

2) Nation Ruler: Krunk the Great

3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=219578

4) Resources: Cattle/Marble

5) Desired Color(s): Blue

6) I agree to leave a notice from resignation of this circle at least 72-hours in advance: (A Yes/No answer will suffice here) Yesh (I do that anyway :-p

Added. Just ONE more to complete.

Edited by hueylewis53
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  • 2 months later...

1) Nation Name: Persiapolis

2) Nation Ruler: Aisrep

3) Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=227198

4) Resources: Cat(tle) and (Mar)balls

5) Desired Color(s): Orange. There is no other color!

6) Should I leave this circle, I agree to leave a resignation notice at least 72-hours in advance (Y/N): Y(es)

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