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United White honors their agreement with NEO

Panic King

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Persuant to the MDoAP between United White and New Emerald Order, United White honors this agreement and declares war on the League of Extraordinary Oranges. It is unfortunate that LEO has decided to attack but you should of looked at who they were allied with before persuing this option. We will however offer to any LEO nation our protection if they decide they do not want to get caught up in this war. Just change your AA to UW POW and we will ensure your survival.

Time to squeeze these fruits! :rolleyes:

o/ NEO

o/ UW

Panic King

Director of Alliance Operations

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Where as i would of liked to see this end peacefully, it appears this is escalading quickly!

As i stated before MAX was in talks with other AA's for his defense, this was one of them.

guess i don't have to tell you who #2 and #3 are.

I hope this is resolved quickly!


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This might end up having UN getting involved with its military power. We have a protectorate with United White so we have to support them I guess.

Last time i checked a protectorate is for when your protecty is attacked, now when they are doing the attacking. That being sad if you want to get involved more power to you.

Edited by Maccers The Great
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Last time i checked a protectorate is for when your protecty is attacked, now when they are doing the attacking. That being sad if you want to get involved more power to you.

Well we don't have a protectorate with them...We have an MADP, which means that we have an oblagation to join if asked!

Also we have one with UN so i guess if needed they are in by default! Its no guess who else we have one with.

As i said before, i hope this gets resolved quickly!

I'm still in the air as to why this even happened in the first place, and awaiting the leader of LEO's confrence.

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