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World Task Force


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The World Task Force is a medium sized alliance made up of primarily older and larger nations (our avg NS is over 30k). We are an independently aligned alliance that dislikes politics and as such generally stays out of them. Our primary concern is the growth of our members and as such we host a large knowledge base on CN.

We accept nations of all colours and sizes. You must not be in a war in order to join. You can read more about applying to join and our application requirements here.

You can find our current alliance stats here


Our government is rather hard to describe, but it is best described as an organised true democracy. Meaning that most major decisions are made by general consensus. Smaller decisions are made by appointed members after discussion.


We like being independent and one of our primary goals is to not get entangled in CN politics. Due to this we have no treaties of note, because we do not wish to get dragged into an alliance war.

If you have any questions be free to ask them.

Edited by Strider
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