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National Environment Office - Environment


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National Environment Office - $100,000,000 - The national environment office removes the penalties for Coal, Oil, and Uranium when a nation imports them, improves environment by 1 point, increases population +3%, and reduces infrastructure upkeep -3%. Requires 13,000 infrastructure.
The national environment office removes the penalties for Coal, Oil, and Uranium when a nation imports them

  • By how much do Coal, Oil and Uranium decrease your environment level?
  • Does having a Nuclear Power Plant (which I've got) and an imported uranium resource and 'government position on nuclear weapons set to option 3' somehow change the environment penalty uranium poses?

Reason for question:

At ~10-20% military, 20 nukes and 2 border walls my environment level is 2 levels higher than the GRL. If I then buy the NEO, by how many levels will my environment level decrease, and thus how many border walls can I then destroy (if any) - +2% population > +2 happiness.

e.g. IF Oil and Uranium each decrease your environment level by 1 level; after buying the NEO, total environment level is decreased by 3 levels; resulting environment level is (potentially) 1 level below the GRL - which is actually only 1 level above the GRL (Best environment level = 1.00 + GRL); however, this allows 2 border walls to be destroyed (a resultant total of 0 border walls), as the +1 (x2) improvement in environment is no longer needed = higher income.

Therefore, which is more beneficial?

A National Environment Office or a Universal Health Care?

Edited by dealmaster13
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By how much do Coal, Oil and Uranium decrease your environment level?

They hurt your environment by 1 point if you import them (which is actually an increase in your environment value). Native resources have no environment penalty.

Does having a Nuclear Power Plant (which I've got) and an imported uranium resource and 'government position on nuclear weapons set to option 3' somehow change the environment penalty uranium poses?

Nope. Uranium always hurts your environment by 1 point. Choosing option 2 or 3 hurts your environment by an additional 1 point but take this hit even with the NEO.

At ~10-20% military, 20 nukes and 2 border walls my environment level is 2 levels higher than the GRL.

Quick comment, you need another border wall. Double-check that this actually does increase your taxes, but it should.

If I then buy the NEO, by how many levels will my environment level decrease, and thus how many border walls can I then destroy (if any) - +2% population > +2 happiness.

Your environment will improve by 3 points. 1 for each of Oil and Uranium (Coal is native), and 1 for the NEO itself. You'll be able to destroy all your border walls (including the one I just told you to buy).

Therefore, which is more beneficial?

A National Environment Office or a Universal Health Care?

As far as taxes go, the UHC+3BW has a slight edge, bringing in an extra ~180k over the NEO+0BW, but the NEO's infra upkeep reduction makes it more beneficial, increasing your net profit by ~200k over the UHC+3BW.

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