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Looking for Blue Alliance

XBig DevX

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The Republic of Elite Colonies is blue!

We also cooperate with the NpO for trades.


Thats our forum. On the top is the applications section just follow its instructions and we will review your app promptly :)

We are pretty small and 8 months old. We have government positions open. There is an academy with a 3m 50t tech deal reward. It will teach you everything you need to know.

Our community is small and active and everyone knows each other, its a great atmosphere.

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Hey, Just started a few days ago and am looking for a blue alliance to join that offers advice on playing, aid, and is fun. Thanks!

Hey, come join Echelon. We aren't the largest alliance in the game, but many of our members are well versed and experianced CN Veterans. We offer an initial Aid package of 3 million to accepted nations, and our experianced member base is constantly tutoring and providing free "gifts" of more aid to it's junior members as time progresses.

Sign up today at www.cn-echelon.com

Edited by Canadian Mind
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Hey, come join Echelon. We aren't the largest alliance in the game, but many of our members are well versed and experianced players, with years of experiance on CN. We offer an initial Aid package of 3 million to accepted nations, and our experianced member base is constantly tutoring and providing free "gifts" of more aid to it's junior members as time progresses.

Sign up today at www.cn-echelon.com

And just to add onto my Canadian friend's information, we are a member of Agora, Blue's premier trading bloc.

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Thirding Echelon. You can find other alliances that offer more in initial aid, but our Average Nation Strength of 33,272 is proof of our continued involvement with nations after they join.

As to your other requirements we have a ton of great guides and people who give advice, and our member count is large enough that there's always people to talk with but small enough that each person matters.

Edited by KMbanana
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join the SBA

1. we have 22 members , the largest of which are over 40000NS.

2. i can give you 500K, our larger nations will generally kick in 2-3million

3. we are mostly blue, but we dont care what color you are

4. we are a protectorate of Echelon, you will be quite safe from raiding

5. our youngest nation at 82days is well over 5000NS, because of our generous tech trade policies

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If you want to make NS a factor, I'm at 4000 NS over a period of three days, due to the initial help given, and tech deals.

Did I mention Echelon's Libertarian tech-raid policies?

yeah you guys are all rich. our ambassador went from half my size to twice my size in a couple weeks
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Oceanic 815 is all colours. we don't offer aid like the rest of the alliances, but rather we teach our members how to play CN and get experience in the game.

also, we have a big off topic section in the forums(click on the flag), so i hope that fulfils your ,,fun" part.

please consider us.


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