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Join Ragnarok!

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Want to hang out and have fun with an awesome bunch of friends online? We're that group! We're always on IRC chatting:


And everyone is really friendly! Just stop by and say hi, we love to talk.

Our primary goal as an alliance is help our members grow, and of course, have fun (sometimes this includes lulz - but not always). In addition, we believe that the success of Ragnarok depends on the success of each individual nation, and therefore look at each nation as an equal regardless of nation strength.

We put a big emphasis on the freedom of our members, but when sacrifice is necessary, we put Ragnarok and our fellow members ahead of ourselves. Loyalty and honor are paramount - this is something the founders have not lost since their days at \m/. Members are also expected to be as active as RL allows them to be, but we are understanding that things can get hectic sometimes.

Other info about da 'Rok:

-Ragnarok currently consists of 190 nations and over 2 million NS, all the way from only 14 members just six months ago!

-We have numerous treaties, ensuring that we won't be wiped out by a rouge alliance.

-For all nations who join the 'Rok, don't break the charter, and are at least moderately active on our forums/IRC, we are offering at least $500,000 in aid in one of our regularly scheduled zeny trains. These go to the most active guys, so they're competitive, and you will receive more aid than average if you are very active!

-Our color is Aqua, and all nations under 10k nation strength are required to change. All over 10k are strongly encouraged to change.

-We do allow tech raiding actives, but our rules are very strict in order to prevent conflict escalation.

-Our government consists of a perma-Emperor (Van Hoo III, since the foundation) and bi-monthly elected Prime Minister, Lord of War, and Lord of Internal Affairs. They also appoint an advisory council. The Emperor can be removed from office by a vote of no confidence from the PM, LoW, and MoIA.

Our forums are located at


Go to the "Reception Desk" section to apply, and be sure to read our charter!

Also, we're real chill, so don't be afraid to stop by and just chat!


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