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Democratic Republic of Posenzi


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The Democratic Republic of Posenzi Alliance is proud to make the the AQUA Sphere home.

Our Official Name: Democratic Republic of Posenzi

Our General Name: Posenzi

IRC: #DROP on Mibbit.com or access it via our forum

Posenzi is an alliance that is a community of nations that have together in unity,loyalty,and friendship.We encourage anyone who wishes to join us in that philosophy is welcome to join us.

Here at DROP, we want you to enjoy the Cybernations game. Whether your new to CN,or you have played for years,we want you to know that you can count on the DROP Alliance,will help you succeed.As a citizen of our alliance,you will be expected to participate on the forums,help alliance citizens when needed,follow the rules and constitution of the Democratic Republic of Posenzi Alliance,and most importantly,have fun.

If you wish to join us, you can find our forums here and apply for citizenship or diplomatic status:

DROP Forums

~DROP Constitution~

Article 1. Admittance to DROP

i. Any nation, who wishes to abide by our constiution and rules may apply for citizenship in the DROP Alliance.

ii. A nation may be barred from admittance to the DROP alliance if it doesn't fulfill the requirements set forth by the Posenzi Government..

iii. The DROP Alliance is a AQUA Team Alliance.All new citizens must change to AQUA upon citizenship approval.No Exceptions!

iv. You must not be in any wars of any kind at the time!

v.All new applicants must not be on any ZI,Terrorist,rogue,etc list.

vi.Must not be a member of any other alliance at any time of application,or during your citizenship in the alliance.

Article 2. Posenzi Government

i. High Council

The High Council has complete say in all matters of the alliance. It is the responsibility of the High Council to oversee everything that happens within the alliance.

ii. Secretary of Defense

The Secretary of Defense oversees all plans for attack and defense of the alliance.

iii. Secretary of State

The Secretary of State (SOS) is in charge of new membership applications,the mentor programs, as well as educating,assisting and recruiting new members for the alliance.

iv. Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance (MOF) is responsible for aiding all member nations in getting trades, for managing and organizing the alliance banks and for establishing and ensuring the distribution of all aid within the alliance.

v. Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs(MOFA) is also responsible for negotiating treaties with foreign powers and organizing the diplomatic corps. The MOFA is in charge of all diplomatic relations for the Vicenza Alliance.

Article 3. General Assembly

i.The GA is made up of all the citizens of Posenzi.

ii. Senators are elected every 6 months by the citizens of Posenzi.

iii. The GA votes on all treaties, and those treaties must be passed by a simple majority to be passed.

iv. The General Assembly and the Secretary of Defense may declare war on a foreign power with a 2/3 decision. The SOD may declare war only with the approval of the General Assembly.

iv.All legislation passed by the General Assembly,must be signed off on by the High Council.If someone from the High Council is not present to sign off on legislation,within 5 days time,the Minister of Internal Affairs may sign the legislation to make it law.

Article 4. DROP War Policy

1. DROP is a peaceful,non-agressive alliance.

2. In the event of an alliance conflict, the Posenzi Government will use all diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully,and an fast as possible.The Posenzi Government will do what is ever necessary to keep from engaging in a war at all costs,whether it be directly or indirectly!

3.Attacks on other nations by our citizens,without cause and permission of the DROP Govt, are strictly prohibited.

4.The DROP Alliance has the following nukes policy:

i. Any citizen that uses nukes against any other citizen or allie,will be subject to retaliation.

ii.The DROP Alliance may keep nukes for defense only,but they will only be used as a LAST RESORT.

5. Spying is forbidden by our citizens at all times.

Article 5. Citizen Rights and Conduct

1. All citizens must help any citizen in need within reason.

2. Ttech raiding is forbidden at any time.

3. All citzens must be respectful to all alliance citzens,ambassadors,and government officials.

4. All citizens are forbidden from spying on any citizen in any alliance,for any reason!

5. No citizen may have 2 CN nations at any time.It is a violation of CN rules!

6.Members have the right to leave the alliance for any reason, after 30 days of citizenship,as long as they are in good standing.

7.You have the right to freedom of speech.

8.You have a right to protection from Posenzi.

9.You are obligated to follow all rules and the constitution of the alliance.

10. You are obligated to come to the aid of a citizen in need and assist in anyway you can.

11. Citizens have the right to aid,when applicable.

12. If you receive aid within the 30 days period of your new citizenship,and you lave...you must pay back all aid,loans,etc.Failure to do so will result in severe punishment.

Article 6. Constitutional Amendments

All citizens may propose legislation for amending the constitution at any time.Such legislation must pass the General Assembly by 2/3 vote to become law.

Article 8. Mergers and Disbandenment

1. Any alliance may propose a merger to the DROP Alliance.Any proposition must pass the General Assembly by a 2/3 vote, and be approved by the entire DROP Government.

2. In order for the DROP to be disbandened,it must be approved by the entire alliance with a 3/4 vote.


Porus,Head Council of DROP

Edited by Porus
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