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Hello im experencing a problem my comp is having problems and i have to change the computer and the ip will be dffrent will i still be able to play (im using w-lan) :excl::excl: i might not see ths post only after computer replaced probably

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If I understand what you're saying, you will get a new IP from your router, but your global IP won't change.

Let me explain better:

Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) has given you an IP through your modem, that IP is seen by everyone on the internet.

Routers for LANs (and WLANs) "split" the internet connection of the modem. However, to do that, it has to give you a "network" IP, this is an IP that will only be seen on your (W)LAN. Changing comps may (or may not) change your network IP, but it should not change your global IP (the one you are given by your ISP).

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