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After looking for an alliance two times in my CN life I've done a pretty bad job. My first alliance, Argo, merged after my second month there. After deciding not to head to VE I decided to go to MK, while I was an applicant the VE-MK war started and I was attacked by 2 VE and 1 echelon :ph34r: . So now after my bad luck I've decided to let the alliances find me. There is one thing though about alliances, you must have atleast 100 members.

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Why dont you join Americas Army?

I know you said at least 100 members but at this time most of the alliances with 100 members are at war. Americas Army is a fast growing alliance. probably one of the fastest in CN. We are an alliance of 30 members. We gaind about 5 members within the past week and boosted aour NS from about 140 something to almost 300K. So why not join us?

We want to be nothing but the best and that is what we shall be.

We hate merges and we have already declined a merger. AA promises to never merge nor die without a fight. We NEVER attack alliances we try to solve ALL matters diplomattically and right now we have been able to do so on 7/7 times. We have the best gov I know in CN. Great military tactics and great members.

So why not join a small alliance on the rise?

Come on even if you doubt me at least check usu out:

Americas Army

Here is our lame but in the works recuitment video:


Edited by Joffrey17
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Ubercon is an older alliance on Planet Bob, the exact origins of which are unknown, but history suggests that is was founded around 2 years ago. Member of the Black Sphere.

What was once a small alliance of close friends (~17) that was content to sit on the sidelines and grow quietly has now decided that the time for growth is now. Our current size (8/21/08) is approx 120 members with a combined NS of close to 2,000,000.

We are currently looking for new recruits that will be active members of our alliance and help us gain a stronger standing in world politics. we are looking for members that are interested in positions of government and helping us for ties with other alliances in the community. If you feel like this is something for you please contact me in game (http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=124178) or post something here as i will try to check often.

Now unlike most of the larger alliances we can not offer millions to have you join our ranks, all we can offer is our experience and guidance. while we do try to put together AID chains for our new members to help them out we can promise nothing as far as money goes. we want you to join us because you want to not because you see a quick way to get cash.

you can also check out our forum for more information (i believe) (http://uberconalliance.proboards55.com/index.cgi?)

We look forward to hearing from you.

Blake the Merciful

Ubercon Minister of Internal Affairs

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