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White trade circle

Commander Bean

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Looking for a nation that is on the white team or willing to switch to white. We have all but Coal and Fish. Bonus resources will be Steel, Aff. Population, Fine Jewelry and scholars. Please PM me in game if you are interested. My nation is the Wilmark Republic . Please note that for Scholars you have to have a literacy rate over 90%. Also, your alliance must not have any issues with The Phoenix Federation as 5 of the trade partners are within this alliance. Thanks.

Income +$13

Happiness +15.5

Citizen +26%

Tech cost -5%

Infra upkeep -18%

Infra purchase -15%

Land +15%

Cost to purchase land -15%

Soldier purchase - $3

Solider upkeep -$0.50

Tank upkeep -13%

Tank purchase -8%

Soldier effectiveness +8%

Cruise Missile and nuclear weapon purchase and upkeep -20%

Aircraft upkeep -25%

Environment penalty for Nukes -50%

Navy upkeep -20%

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