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Primarily black trade circle


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This circle if preferably black, but as that's a doubtful outcome, any color is invited to sign up. Once completed, the circle will offer the following bonus resources: Radiation Cleanup, Microchips, Construction, Asphalt, Scholars, Automobiles, and Steel. The benefits to all nations involved will be enormous.

The following resources are required for the circle:

Aluminum: Eriton

Spices: Eriton

Gold: Drakithistan


Coal: Forest land




Oil: Rudinshtein.

Pigs: Drakithistan

Rubber: Forest Land

Uranium: Rudinshtein.

Please post your nation link and resources if interested. Thank you for your time.

Edited by Yubyubsan
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Alright, we have half of this circle ready to go. Surely there are other nations out there that could benefit from this arrangement?

For reference this shows the bonuses this trade circle will give each nation:

Infrastructure upkeep: -26%

Population increase: 3.5%

Citizen income increase: $6

Population happiness increase: 8.5

Initial land cost: -10%

Purchased land area increase: 43%

Natural growth increase: x0

Technology cost decrease: -13%

Environment: 10

Soldier increase: 53%

Soldier cost decrease: $-6

Soldier upkeep cost: $-1

Tank cost decrease: -8%

Tank upkeep cost: -18%

Aircraft cost decrease: -16%

Aircraft upkeep: -25%

Aircraft limit increase: 10

Cruise missle cost decrease: -20%

Cruise missle upkeep: -20%

Nuke cost decrease: -20%

Nuke upkeep: -20%

Uranium allows nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses -1 population happienss. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled.

Sholars require literacy rate of 90% or greater.

Construction requires technology level of 5 of greater.

Microchips require technology level of 10 of greater.

Radiaton cleanup removes 1 day of nuclear anarchy. Reduces global radiation effect on an individual nation -50% in CNT

Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a better trade arrangement, so please consider joining this circle.

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Although losing the bonus resource doesn't really sit well with me, Wine's +3 population happiness boost would lessen the difference in end population income. And the sooner the circle is completed, the better. But in the end, it's Yubyubsan's call. What say you, Yubyubsan?

edit-Also, do you guys think we should go ahead and start up the trade agreements?

Edited by Synge
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Although losing the bonus resource doesn't really sit well with me, Wine's +3 population happiness boost would lessen the difference in end population income. And the sooner the circle is completed, the better. But in the end, it's Yubyubsan's call. What say you, Yubyubsan?

edit-Also, do you guys think we should go ahead and start up the trade agreements?

Works fine for me.

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Assuming that Yubyubsan is letting Xerym into the trade circle and nixing Lead, then all we need is one nation with Iron and Marble to complete the chain. Surely there's someone with Iron and Marble out there who's interested in this.

edit: Disregard that, Xerym seems pretty well set up already... now we need 4 resources again.

Edited by Synge
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