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Blue trade circle


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Gold - elpadrino

Silver -

Gems - Jeff Bristow

Coal -

Fish -

Furs -

Wine - elpadrino

Lumber -

Iron -

Marble -

Aluminum -

Uranium - Jeff Bristow

with that resources we have 4BR -> Fine yewelry, Affluent population, Steel, Construction,

so we collect a lot, have great reductions buying and unkeeping infrastructure and also some military and land insteresting bonus,


+17.5 $ income per citizen (change gov nukes option to nº 2)

+9.5 happyness (really +14.5 because we are all in the same team)

+13% citizen count

-21% infrastructure unkeep cost

-39% infrastructure purchase cost

-5% tech purchase cost

+15% land area

-5% land purchase cost

x3 natural land growth

+28% soldier eficiency

-3 $ soldier purchase cost

-5% tank unkeep cost

-8% aircraft purchase cost

+10 aircrafts

-15% all navy vessels purchase cost

-20% submarine and aircraft carrier purchase cost

-5% submarine and aircraft carrier unkeep cost

-50% nukes unkeep cost (and -4.5 $ income per citizen if you owns nukes and not the nuclear power plant)

PM me or reply here,


Edited by elpadrino
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