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I found Vanguard by stumbling upon this article and seeing what it had to offer. And what it has to offer is something very great for young and aspiring nations as well as those interested in playing this game within a smart and articulate group of people.

I'm glad I found it, and now I'm bumping this topic to share this with all of you. :)

Your avatar almost impresses me as much as you do.

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I found Vanguard by stumbling upon this article and seeing what it had to offer. And what it has to offer is something very great for young and aspiring nations as well as those interested in playing this game within a smart and articulate group of people.

I'm glad I found it, and now I'm bumping this topic to share this with all of you. :)

Thanks for bumping. I'm glad we've impressed you and generally come across as smart and articulate.

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I found Vanguard by stumbling upon this article and seeing what it had to offer. And what it has to offer is something very great for young and aspiring nations as well as those interested in playing this game within a smart and articulate group of people.

I'm glad I found it, and now I'm bumping this topic to share this with all of you. :)

This sounds like front-page recruitment material.


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Wish granted. I have telepathy and the secret is out. Now I am being chased across the states by the government for possessing such powerful ability. Grrreat job there, Thaliak's other voice.

I know. The story will go:

1. We discover that the government is after us.

2. We're imprisoned but rescued by a ridiculously attractive lady (Faramir?).

3. We evade the government for a few days while we find out who controls the hunt for us.

4. We storm the appropriate stronghold - I'm thinking the CIA headquarters - and convince the hunt's organizer to give us a new identity in such a way that even he won't know who we are.

5. We escape to Canada and live happily ever after with the aforementioned hottie.

I'm not too keen on steps 2, 3, and 4, but they're a fair price to pay for step 5.

I wish for a delicious and succulent home-made burger, 2 feet high.

Is that all? Canada has many pleasures.

Edited by Thaliak
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... And just when I thought this topic couldn't get any stranger, along comes Thaliak with his grand vision of running off to Canada with Lars and a hottie.

You can count Faramir out of this scheme. Go find someone else to be your ridiculously attractive lady. :P

I dunno, Canada can get pretty cold.

As (I believe) the person here living closest to the northern border, I will attest to this.

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2. We're imprisoned but rescued by a ridiculously attractive lady (Faramir?).

I seriously doubt we would be content with just ONE ridiculously attractive lady. This isn't "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place". This will eventually lead to:

1. We both fall for the ridiculously attractive lady.

2. We start to fight each other for her attention.

3. She plays us both at the same time.

4. Jealousy comes to a point where it shakes the very foundation of our camaraderie.

5. One of us will end up dead.

Is that all? Canada has many pleasures.

I am easy to please.

I dunno, Canada can get pretty cold. But I guess you could warm her up. Damn you are a marvelous !@#$%^&.


You can count Faramir out of this scheme. Go find someone else to be your ridiculously attractive lady. :P

... but why? Thaliak has already drew us a (near) perfect plan!

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I seriously doubt we would be content with just ONE ridiculously attractive lady.

I dunno, you're toying with a lot of hearts these days, aren't you sir? Haven't you already got a diplomat lady friend on our boards? ;)

... but why? Thaliak has already drew us a (near) perfect plan!

If I'm running away with any member of Vanguard, it's gonna be Gork. We've already anarchied a nation together and shared the emotional vicissitudes of combat over MSN while my laptop went up in smoke before my eyes and I struggled to get by on a Windows 95 machine without an "a" key. Plus, my first loyalty always will be to the current Treasurer. Your time has passed, Lars. :P

I'm also concerned that Thal is underestimating how difficult it is to get into Canada these days. When I started college, we could spend a few hours on the Amtrak and get up to Montreal for the weekend without a hitch. Starting last January, you now need a passport or birth certificate and all kinds of proof of citizenship razzmattazz. As I've learned in trying to get a passport for exchange next semester, the application process is long, slow, and painful and involves spending large quantities of time in the post office. Although I suppose if we're already storming a government stronghold, maybe we can get someone to take care of those details for us. Hmm.

As for the potential for jealousy and death part... eh, whatever!

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I seriously doubt we would be content with just ONE ridiculously attractive lady. This isn't "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place". This will eventually lead to:

1. We both fall for the ridiculously attractive lady.

2. We start to fight each other for her attention.

3. She plays us both at the same time.

4. Jealousy comes to a point where it shakes the very foundation of our camaraderie.

5. One of us will end up dead.

You mean we aren't two parts of the same person? I've been deceived! We won't need a love triangle to fray our friendship, Lars.

I am easy to please.

I don't know that I'd call a two-foot hamburger easy. It's just less than Canada can offer.

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Exam over. I'd call this another celebratory bump for the actual end of my midterms, but I have nine hours of class today and slept for less than two last night. I am running on pure adrenaline, and had to listen to The Killers for fifteen minutes this morning to wake myself up for my 8:30 lecture. In other words, I am in so much trouble!

</frantic and barely coherent tangent>

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Exam over. I'd call this another celebratory bump for the actual end of my midterms, but I have nine hours of class today and slept for less than two last night. I am running on pure adrenaline, and had to listen to The Killers for fifteen minutes this morning to wake myself up for my 8:30 lecture. In other words, I am in so much trouble!

</frantic and barely coherent tangent>

Heh. I suspect this is a little late, but good luck. If it's any consolation, I went to classes on Monday with no sleep. Let's just say my notes could be better.

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You mean we aren't two parts of the same person? I've been deceived! We won't need a love triangle to fray our friendship, Lars.

We're two parts of the same person that conflicts with each other, Thaliak. If either of us perish, you could say a part of you just died.

I don't know that I'd call a two-foot hamburger easy. It's just less than Canada can offer.

Draw up a new plan then, we're definitely not going to run away to Canada.

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I dunno, you're toying with a lot of hearts these days, aren't you sir? Haven't you already got a diplomat lady friend on our boards? ;)

Me? Toying with hearts? Naaaaaaaaawww.

If I'm running away with any member of Vanguard, it's gonna be Gork. We've already anarchied a nation together and shared the emotional vicissitudes of combat over MSN while my laptop went up in smoke before my eyes and I struggled to get by on a Windows 95 machine without an "a" key. Plus, my first loyalty always will be to the current Treasurer. Your time has passed, Lars. :P

You never warmed up to me when I was the Treasurer. Ever since the Legion war, you only see Gork in your eyes.


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Heh. I suspect this is a little late, but good luck. If it's any consolation, I went to classes on Monday with no sleep. Let's just say my notes could be better.

Heh. Unfortunately you were not late... had a night class. It feels incredibly heartless to take consolation in other folks finding themselves in the same position.

I doubt whether your notes can beat mine from my early lecture yesterday: "10/22/08 - Figure out what the [insert expletive] happened today." I am not kidding. Oh well, I'm back on my game now!

You never warmed up to me when I was the Treasurer. Ever since the Legion war, you only see Gork in your eyes.

The truth speaks? :P

Naw. I've got nothing but respect for you. And you still have me at your command, as does anyone who works hard at what he/she does.

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Heh. Unfortunately you were not late... had a night class. It feels incredibly heartless to take consolation in other folks finding themselves in the same position.

It's human. Besides, it's no worse than

I doubt whether your notes can beat mine from my early lecture yesterday: "10/22/08 - Figure out what the [insert expletive] happened today." I am not kidding. Oh well, I'm back on my game now!

Heh. Maybe not, but they're bad. My notes for the last part of British Writers consist of two incomplete sentences.

The truth speaks? :P

Naw. I've got nothing but respect for you. And you still have me at your command, as does anyone who works hard at what he/she does.

Faramir, you don't need Lars. He is not worthy of your turst or friendship.

How dare the man who refused to the 1,000-post promise speak of trustworthiness? We worked slavishlyslowly but steadily on that topic for ten months.

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It's human. Besides, it's no worse than

I can't believe I just watched that. Eleven seconds of my life that I'll never get back!

Faramir, you don't need Lars. He is not worthy of your turst or friendship.
How dare the man who refused to the 1,000-post promise speak of trustworthiness?


Quiet, Thaliak. I'm finally hearing the facts about members of Vanguard from a sort of outside source.

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Faramir, you don't need Lars. He is not worthy of your turst or friendship.

What sort of men would stab his fellow comrade in the back like this? Shame on you.

How dare the man who refused to the 1,000-post promise speak of trustworthiness? We worked slavishlyslowly but steadily on that topic for ten months.


Quiet, Thaliak. I'm finally hearing the facts about members of Vanguard from a sort of outside source.

It is hardly a fact if your outside source happens to be BadOmen.

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I can't believe I just watched that. Eleven seconds of my life that I'll never get back!

Don't forget the time you took to click the link.


Quiet, Thaliak. I'm finally hearing the facts about members of Vanguard from a sort of outside source.

We're merely making the disclosures entertaining.

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