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Aqua trade circle 8 bonus resources

Verranazo VI

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Wheat - Wehrmacht13

Gold -Kamichi

Marble -

Aluminum - Verranazo VI

Rubber - Mayans

Iron -

Coal - Verranazo VI

Oil - Mayans

Lead - Marcusism

furs - Wehrmacht13

Water - Marcusism

Lumber - kamichi

Eight Bonus Resource Set: Asphalt, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Scholars, Steel

Daily Income $28.50

Infra Cost -42.0%

Infra Upkeep -23.0%

Population 8%

Land Cost -10.0%

Land Area 35.0%

Land Sale $300.00

Tech Cost -13.0%

Happiness 11.0

Environment 20.0%

Soldier Efficiency 38.0%

Soldier Cost -$6.00

Soldier Upkeep -$0.50

Tank Cost -13.0%

Tank Upkeep -13.0%

Aircraft Limit 10.0

Aircraft Cost -16.0%

Aircraft Upkeep Cost -20.0%

Cruise Missile Initial Cost -20.0%

Cruise Missile Upkeep Cost -20.0%

Nuke Upkeep Cost -20.0%

Nuke Upkeep Cost -20.0%

Increase Citizens per mile before unhappiness 50.0

Days nuclear anarchy -1.0

Global Radiation Effect -50.0%

Edited by Verranazo VI
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Switch out wine for furs and Im in. I have furs and wheat. Im on black team right now but Ill switch to aqua when needed.

EDIT: My alliance might also put me in a trade circle so put the resources down for now and ill notify you if I can or not.

Edited by Wehrmacht13
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