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The Blue Revolution

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The Blue Revolution was officially founded by Hayastan on June 07, 2008.


We, members of the The Blue Revolution hereby present our charter for the well organization of our alliance, and our guide to our members and outside alliances.

Article 1. General Membership

Admission to the alliance shall be determined by an TBR government member, and if a nation is declined into the alliance a valid reason should be given. (I.E attacking a aligned nation)


Any nation may resign from The Blue Revolution, although it is required to post a message in TBR forums announcing your resignation. If any aid is received nations are required to pay a certain amount back in one week to TBR.

Article 2. Government

Chancellor - The Chancellor holds the most power in the alliance. Controls the government, treaties, wars. The only government leader with power to disband TBR, declare wars, and approve treaties.

Minister of Defence - The Minister of Defence shall head military operations in TBR.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - The MoFa creates treaties and establishes relations with other alliances.

Minister of Finance - Maintains aid to TBR members, distributing money to nations in need. Also suggests changes in TBR regarding aid and loans.

Minister of Intelligence - Provides information regarding TBR threats and gathers information regarding threats to TBR allies that may affect us.

Minister of Recruitment - Responsible for recruiting new members into the alliance.

Article 3. War

TBR nations may declare war on unaligned nations after it is approved by the Minister of Defence or Chancellor. However attacking aligned nations without permission shall be responded by TBR government in immediate strict action. In addition no nation is allowed to attack blue or red team unaligned nations.

Nuclear weapons

Nations in TBR are welcomed to produce nuclear weapons. However first strike nukes in wars, shall only be determined by the chancellor.

Article 4. Amendments

Amendments to this Charter can be requested by any member although it has to be approved by the Chancellor to officially be in effect.

Forums: http://z11.invisionfree.com/BlueRevolution/index.php?

IRC: #tbr

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