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Holy Axis of the Loyal Order




Age: 1 and half months old

Members: 78

Nation Strength: 470K

Protector: MCXA

Colour: Blue

Founders: Casshern, Cool3atool, MasterChief777

Forums: www.halocn.co.cc

IRC: #halocn on coldfront.net

Charter: Covenant

So you're looking at our recruitment page... You must be interested in us.

First off HALO is a fast growing blue alliance, with dedicated members who work hard for unity, brotherhood and honour in HALO. Should you join, we offer friendship, brotherhood, protection, aid, advice and a community to be apart of.

We are founded on the principles of Halo the games and books.

We look after the little guy and we want you to do well. After all you are the ones who count.

What makes us any different from the rest of those alliances?

Simple, we are HALO - we are based on the ethics of Halo the game and book. We are a brotherhood who look after the little guy and believe you count, you have a say and a voice in HALO - which will be heard.

Why should I join HALO?

Because we want you to enjoy Cybernations as much as you can, but we want to make sure you are protected whilst enjoying everyting Cybernations has to offer, we have have many programs which will let you grow to the best of your ability and get the best out of your nation. We have friendly leaders and members who will help you through everything, we look after the little guys and big guys - you all count to us, and we cherish each and everyone of you.

If you wish to join us, please go to our forums and register and apply for membership in our Citizenship Section.

Link: <<<Join Here>>>

We wish you all the best in Cybernations.


The HALO Command and Membership

Edited by Casshern
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