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The Shadow Armada

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Tired of getting tech raided? We offer 1 million sign on bonus and protection...we are protected by ODK and have a good solid crew...I am the Minster of War and will make you a military powerhouse...We also allow tech raiding to let our members get some action and profit...o/ The Shadow Armada...http://z15.invisionfree.com/The_Shadow_Armada/index.php?act=idx

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Good work keeping this up Warlord, Join us we have the experience, and once you join we will protect you until death, VIVA LA ARMADA! We also dont back down from are allies, when we sign a treaty, we mean it.

Edited by Lt Routon
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The Soldier’s Song

We'll sing a song, a soldier's song,

With cheering rousing chorus,

As round our blazing fires we throng,

The starry heavens o'er us;

Impatient for the coming fight,

And as we wait the morning's light,

Here in the silence of the night,

We'll chant a soldier's song.


Soldiers are we

whose lives are pledged to Ireland;

Some have come

from a land beyond the wave.

Sworn to be free,

No more our ancient sire land

Shall shelter the despot or the slave.

Tonight we man the gap of danger

In Erin's cause, come woe or weal

'Mid cannons' roar and rifles peal,

We'll chant a soldier's song.

In valley green, on towering crag,

Our fathers fought before us,

And conquered 'neath the same old flag

That's proudly floating o'er us.

We're children of a fighting race,

That never yet has known disgrace,

And as we march, the foe to face,

We'll chant a soldier's song.


Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale!

The long watched day is breaking;

The serried ranks of Inisfail

Shall set the Tyrant quaking.

Our camp fires now are burning low;

See in the east a silv'ry glow,

Out yonder waits the Saxon foe,

So chant a soldier's song.


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A Prayer For Battle

Blessed be the Lord God of Hosts

The One and ONLY God - The Living God

Who is Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit

Who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.

Lord, you are a warrior - Your voice is like thunder, your eyes are like fire.

Grant me strength that I may give my account in battle.

Give me speed that I may hasten to meet my enemies.

Give me endurance Lord, that none may escape me.

Empower me, Lord, to utterly destroy this dark and evil foe.

You know the number of my days, Lord, and if I am to fall in this battle -

Grant that it be in a way to be an example for my brothers.

And grant that it be in a way

To bring the most harm and destruction possible upon the enemy.

And Lord, I ask one final thing - that you provide for and protect those that I leave behind.

For your Son and my Savior, The Warrior King.

In Jesus' name,


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Peace, Amity, Notification, Zutun (Cooperation), and Economic Rapport

In honor of strong friendship and camaraderie between them, the two powers of Norden Verein (NoV) and the Shadow Armada (TSA) do hereby agree to the following PANZER, set forth for duel prosperity and peaceful standards.

I - Peace

In the interests of a peaceful world, both NoV and TSA agree to terms of non-aggression. Should a climate arise where a conflict is possible, diplomacy will be used to prevent said conflict. Should the situation escalate, the terms laid in Section VI must be observed where applicable.

II – Amity

Both signatories pledge to maintain open diplomatic channels and to use private channels only in affairs between them, for the duel peace and well being of relations.

III – Notification

For fulfillment of the agreement of duel prosperity, both signatories agree to share any relevant information or intelligence of interest to the other. Any knowingly false or fabricated information given is subject to Section VI as per a “hostile actâ€.

IV – Zutun (Cooperation)

In the event of a state of war or conflict, the signatories are encouraged to aid one another. This aid can be provided financially, militarily, sanctions, or in any other beneficial manner. This aid should be made completely voluntarily and not through an obligation.

V – Economic

In times of peace, either signatory may request aid from the other. The request must be reasonable and appropriate, and must be addressed and responded to appropriately by the other signatory. It should not come as a surprise to the world community should the signatories choose to economically support one another. In times of war, such an act can be made as an act of good will, and not as an obligatory act.

VI – Nullification

Both signatories agree to review and if appropriate renew these accords by two months time of its signing. Should either signatory choose to cancel the PANZER, they may do so by giving a 48 hours notice to the others. Any act of war, espionage, or otherwise hostile manner allows these accords to be canceled immediately, without prior notice.

Signed for the TSA:



Lt Routon-MoG

Warlord of Germania-MoW

Reign of Havok-MoFA

Tsar Nicholas-MoE

signed for NoV:

Reichskaiser Striderwannabe

Reichskanzler Vinzent Zeppelin

Minister of the Interior Ludwig Erhard

Minister of Foreign Affairs Emperor ß

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