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Wrongful attacks

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Is it allowed for powerful affiliations such as the United Purple Nations to continually "tech raid" a much weaker nation that cannot defend itself? I have been attacked three times consecutively by three of their different nations with nothing to show as reparation. Can anyone help me?

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Is it allowed for powerful affiliations such as the United Purple Nations to continually "tech raid" a much weaker nation that cannot defend itself? I have been attacked three times consecutively by three of their different nations with nothing to show as reparation. Can anyone help me?

Actually, as my PMs to you indicate, I have been working on getting you reparations, and I have ordered your attackers to peace out. I can't do things instantly. You must understand that RL > CN all the time, and I had finals this week. For future reference, bringing it up on the forums is probably not the best call.

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