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Maroon Trade Circle


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Basically, this will be a long-term trade circle for mainly the maroon team (you can join if you aren't maroon, but you won't get any bonus happiness from it, or you could switch teams).

The resources we need and the nations that have them are:

Water -

Wheat -

Aluminum -

Lumber -

Marble - Lord Doom

Iron -

Fish -

Cattle - Kraig82

Sugar -

Pigs - Kraig82

Furs - Lord Doom

Spices -

Edited by Lord_Doom
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My nation name is kraigville. I'll sign up with cattle and pigs.

Oh so thats why you offered me a trade ingame

You're supposed to wait until the circle is finished, then you trade with the people.

Also, added

Edited by Lord_Doom
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