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Everything posted by Kraig82

  1. And Loki, I'd be happy to have you in my circle. Just send me a request: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=487169
  2. Way to steal my thread, Wildabeast. GET YOUR OWN!!! Still need Marble & Lumber.
  3. Hit me up! http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=487169 The color is negotiable, but I require any 2 of these resources : Aluminum, Iron, Lumber, Marble.
  4. Send me a message in-game, I've got circle that needs two more slots. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=487169
  5. I'll finish this circle. Send me a message in-game.
  6. Hey there, i need a trade within the next day, so pleassee respond ASAP. Cattle and Wheat is what i need. Thanks: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=487169
  7. 5 open slots here, 3/100 or nothing. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=487169"]http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=487169[/url] Go: - - - - -
  8. As the title suggests, I am looking for an alliance, as my old alliance is falling apart, piece by piece. I'm an active member, and I am willing to take up a position of responsiblity if need be. I welcome any suggestions, Thanks.
  9. I'm willing to be a long term seller. I've also PMed you as well. Thanks.
  10. Name: Kraig82 Nation: Kraigville Resources: Gems And Wheat Color: black Hey, I need any permanent trade circle. I'll change my color if needed. Pm me.
  11. Hello, my name is Kraig82. I am looking for some people to start a trade circle with. These are the resources, post if interested. Aluminum: Cattle: Fish: Gems: Kraig82 Iron: Lumber: Marble: Pigs: Spices: Sugar: Water: Wheat: Kraig82
  12. Hi, my name is Kraig82. I'm looking for an alliance. Click on this for a link to my nation ---->Kraigville My nation's name is Kraigville. I'm looking for an alliance that will give an aid of money for infra,tech,etc. I'll welcome any alliance. Please respond.
  13. I have pigs and cattle. Please sign me up.
  14. My nation Kraigville has pigs and cattle. I'll switch if necessary.
  15. My nation name is kraigville. I'll sign up with cattle and pigs.
  16. If you have any of these resources, respond on this thread or PM me in-game at Kraigville My Resources: Cattle & Pigs Resources: Coal: Fish: Furs: Gems: Gold: Silver: Kingy Trao Wine: Iron: Aluminum: Cattle: Kraig82 Pigs: Kraig82 Water: Kingy trao
  17. I have 450 soldiers i need to get rid of by tomorrow. I'll accept the best offer. Please respond promptly.
  18. My name is Kraig82, My nation is Kraigville, And my resources are cattle & pigs. Please put me in the trade circle.
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