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Population per mile bug

Lord Emares

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Hi guys,

I've been reading about and by my calculations my population per mile before my people become unhappy is supposed to be 110 (i have water) yet it is not i am getting messages and population happiness drops when my population per mile goes over 90. Yet if i buy land to get it under 90 and then sell that land back over 90 my population are no longer unhappy...

Here is the process i go through:

Buy Infra

Buy improvements

Look at my nation screen

Buy Land until the message goes away (90 pop per mile)

Now i decided to test this since i was kinda miffed at having a lower pop per mile than everybody else...So i sold land to bring me back over the 90 pop per mile threshold and the message did not reappear...

I'll post again next time i'm doing this

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If you get this error again try clearing your Internet cache. You may be looking at a cached version of the nation display page.

Its happened again.

Cleared my internet cache the error is still appearing

/***Screenie removed***/

Edited by Lord Emares
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on a similar note,

My population density of 71.26 has never caused my people to be unhappy until I logged in today. I have not made any changes to my nation today except change my defcon/threat level to high/severe (which shouldn't impact my pop density). I was under the impression that severe unhappiness can be avoided (the red text) as long as my population density was <75/mile. Has this changed? I didn't see an update in the game change logs.

Edited by JayliN
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on a similar note,

My population density of 71.26 has never caused my people to be unhappy until I logged in today. I have not made any changes to my nation today except change my defcon/threat level to high/severe (which shouldn't impact my pop density). I was under the impression that severe unhappiness can be avoided (the red text) as long as my population density was <75/mile. Has this changed? I didn't see an update in the game change logs.

The limit has always been at 70 if you don't have water. The in-game warning message was incorrect but has now been fixed.

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