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Newbie question - Why is a donation needed?


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My apologies for a newbie question but...

I see a lot of offers / requests for a $20 donation, especially by older nations, and I'm wondering why this would be? Can they not donate themselves or is there a limit to the # of donations? Is there some in game wall that only a donation will get you over?



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Once you get larger it becomes cheaper to buy the $20 donation from a seller for $12,000,000 than to buy the 200 infra/20 tech/ whatever you get straight from the game. It is way cheaper, and so that you have that you want a donation, which would you rather spend your cyber money to pay a donation seller or your real life money to pay to CyberNations? So if they are to the point where its better to buy donations than to sell them people most likely end up spending their cyber money that they have much of rather than their real life money which they may not have so much of.

Can they not donate themselves or is there a limit to the # of donations?

You can only receive credit for one donation a month per nation.

Edited by youwish959
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For a large nation to buy 200 infra it would cost them 10s and 10s of millions. It's much cheaper for them to spend CN money and get younger nations to donate. But it's also beneficial for younger nations, $12mill is alot of money when you're just starting out.

Edit: youwish959 explains it better. :P

Edited by Baroness
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I have a question as well. Figure I could just ask here instead of making a new thread.

If older nations are looking to buy these donations off of you, how do they obtain the infra?

You can't aid it to someone can you?

Like the above person says, one person can give a donation for a different nation. That different nation then sends CN money back to the person who spent the real life money.

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Thanks everyone for the great answers.

One more follow up? If $10+ million is the going rate for a $20 donation how is that much money transfered if $3 million is the limit? Is it just done slowly sending $3 mil every 10 days or are there work arounds?

Thanks again!


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Thanks everyone for the great answers.

One more follow up? If $10+ million is the going rate for a $20 donation how is that much money transfered if $3 million is the limit? Is it just done slowly sending $3 mil every 10 days or are there work arounds?

Thanks again!


3 million is the limit on foreign aid transactions.

So a common way of paying someone 12 million for a donation is to simply pay 3 mill every 10 days.

Another way of doing it is to use other nations who might owe you money. So you could have one nation who owes you 3 mill, you could have that nation send the donation seller 3 mill for you.

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