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The soldiers of our nations, part of us or not?


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Hello there!


I have stumbled upon the wiki article of military and noticed it claims our soldiers to be mercenaries and not our own population put to arms.

Whilst CN itself does not support this claim and tells us that they indeed add up to the population count but you don't collect taxes from them, it did make me wonder.


Where do these soldiers come from? What part of Cyber Nations has such a huge force of military personnel that they can freely send them to anyone who wishes?

Do they have an union? From what I see they really need one.

Why are the soldiers so loyal to us, they even use speed of light to undeploy from foreign lands to come protect us from... from themselves?


Is it perhaps possible that these "soldiers" fighting for us are some organism that changes sides when they see fit and for that reason they don't need to undeploy, they just start shooting their former allies, making it seem like a faster than light undeployment?


Should we be afraid of what these soldiers can do? Could they take over all of CN with their countless numbers and apparently monopolized military market?


From what I can see, the only real soldiers we have are the generals, but then, how come each nation can use the same generals and even at the same time?


I am starting to doubt that the penguins I thought penguins protecting my lands might just be an organism disguised as penguins to fool me in to a false sense of security before they cut me off from the head of state position and start running my penguin nation with nobody being any wiser.


In these times of war, I think we all should dismiss our soldiers! Let's fight like the knights of old, dueling with hand to hand weapons so that we don't need to rely on these... questionable creatures we call "soldiers".


Yours Truly,

Lollerobot of Tigerblue

Am I going insane?

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