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Incorporated States of Russia(ISR)

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Hello, CyberNations! The Incorporated States of Russia is a small, trustworthy alliance that welcomes nations from any team to c'mon over and check us out! As a small alliance, we want to treat you like you are a real, useful nation. Other, larger alliances tend to be corrupt and only want you in there alliance for the strength and numbers. We enjoy working with every nation that comes in, and our alliance can be tracked back to multiple other alliances. We are yet to be part of any major conflicts. In ISR, we have a few sections in our alliance. The top position is Tsar, which is currently held by me. The next is not much of a position but when a Tsar first takes office, he must choose a heir that will take his place when he steps down. Next is the Nobles, which are personally appointed by me, these are my main consultants, advisers, and in some cases, my mentors. When you first join, you will be called a regular, which basically means that you are a regular, honored member of Russia. Our political views are based on old Russian values and ideas, which explains why we have a Tsar.

Currently, our forums are still the "Orpheus" forums because we recently renamed our alliance, but i am constructing our new forums. To apply, please go to orpheus.freeforums.org. Thank you for taking your time, and join Russia!




Honorably Signing...

Edited by Knights111
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