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Great Lakes Republic Factbook


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The Great Lakes Republic


The Basics: The Great Lakes Republic is a young nation formed through revolution and war. The Republic is made up of the former territories of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, and Cabinda. The Republic is a constitutional monarchy operating alongside a representative republic. Rich in resources, and ruled by ambitious men and women, the Republic seeks to leave its mark on world history. The Republic's flag is a field of dark green emblazoned with a black five pointed star at its center. Though formally named the United Republic of the Great Lakes, the nation is more informally referred to as the Great Lakes Republic, or as the Victoria Republic. The people are referred to as East Africans or Victorians.



The Land


Geography: The Republic stretches across the former territories of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, and Cabinda. The nation is focused around Lake Victoria, and borders two other African Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Republic is rich in natural resources, and much of its land is fertile and arable. The Republic stretches across roughly 1,743,174 square miles of territory.


Population: The Republic boasts a population of roughly 432,055,507 citizens of diverse ethnic background. The Republic's population is balanced between urban and rural populations, with migration to urban centers remaining high.


Language: Swahili is the official language of the Great Lakes Republic, though English and French are widely spoken among its citizens. Dozens of regional languages are spoken across the nation, and it is rare to find any citizen who speaks less than two languages.


Faith: Though the dominant faith of the Republic's citizens is Protestant Christianity, the Republic itself is official secular. A strong Muslim minority flourishes in the nation's coastal regions. Laws promoting religious tolerance have been put into effect since the end of the Pacification Wars.



The Republic


The Monarchy: Where once the military ruled from the shadows, its power is now openly wielded by Queen Catharine Victoria Akinyi. Queen Akinyi, formerly the General leading the Shadow Junta, took the throne roughly one year after the proclamation of the Republic, following the successful pacification of the Congo. The Monarchy stands guardian over the ideals of the Republic, and has reserved the right to intervene in domestic affairs should the Republic stray from its proper path.


The Executive: The Executive branch of the Republic is made up of the President and Prime Minister. Though the President presumably stands as the highest authority in the nation, the truth is that the office has become merely a puppet for the Shadow Junta. The President and Prime Minister are appointed by the Legislature following parliamentary elections. Both the President and Prime Minister serve five year terms, and can be removed by a vote of no confidence by both houses of parliament.


The Legislature: Made up of two houses, the Republic's parliament are elected by popular vote. The House of Representatives is made up of one elected member from each county within the Republic, while the the Parliament is made up of varying numbers of elected officials from the regions, based on the population of each region. The Republic's parliament is split between several factions vying for control, and functions with a coalition system. Elections are held every five years.


The Judiciary: The court system of the Republic is independent of both the Executive and Legislative branches of government. A Supreme Court exists to judge matters of the highest import to the nation. Many judges are former military officers involved in the Pacification Wars, and act on the behalf of the Junta.



The Armed Forces


Army: The army provides the bulk of the Republic's forces, and has been active in the Pacification Wars since their start. Initially styled as the People's Liberation Army of the Great Lakes Region, the army is now simply referred to as the Great Lakes Army. The army fields large numbers of infantry supported by armoured vehicles where able, and significant numbers of mobile artillery pieces. All citizens within the Republic are required to serve two years of service within the military, with the bulk of these citizens serving in the army.


Navy: The smallest of the three primary branches of the Great Lakes military, the navy is primarily made up of vessels that operate within the Great Lakes themselves. These ships are most often troop transports, armed with machine guns and mortars. A small salt water navy has recently been commissioned, operating from the naval base at Dar es Salaam.


Air Force: The second largest branch of the Great Lakes military. The air force frequently operates from the former Kenyan territories, though new airfields have been constructed further inland. The air force primarily operates close air support vehicles, with only a handful of strategic craft, such as long range bombers. Recent advances in the Republic's aerospace industry have promised an expanded array of domestically designed and produced vehicles, including strategic strike craft, in the near future.


Special Forces: Primarily made up of Pacification Squads, the Republic's special forces are trained to operate behind enemy lines in seek and destroy missions. Republican special forces are noted for their ability to operate in rough terrain and to locate points of resistance before either calling in artillery or air strikes, or else performing a surgical strike of their own. The Republic's special forces remain active in combating the remaining zones of resistance within the Republic. Special forces officers are frequently recruited into the Shadow Junta.



The Economy


GDP: The Republic's GDP (PPP) stands at US$514,146,500,000, with a GDP per capita of roughly $36,537.


Wealth Distribution: Though much of the wealth within the Great Lakes Region had begun to concentrate within the hands of a small number of elites, the Pacification Wars involved a significant redistribution of wealth. The Republic's laws require that all corporations be owned by their workers, and set strict limits on the gap between the income of officers and employees. Due to these changes, and the high levels of investment in the economy by the government, a strong middle class is emerging across the Republic.


Natural Resources: The Great Lakes Republic is rich in natural resources, including oil, uranium, gold, and diamonds. Government financed extraction facilities operate across the nation, providing key resources for trade with the Republic's neighbors. The Republic is a notable producer of rare Earth minerals, hydroelectric power, and natural gas.


Industry: Industry within the Republic is largely State owned or financed. The military often operates factories that produce munitions, arms, and military vehicles. Hydroelectric power facilities are common on the nation's rivers, and a nuclear power industry is blossoming under military oversight. Significant civilian and military shipyards can be found along the former Kenyan, Tanzanian, and Congolese coastlines. A booming aerospace industry operates across the Great Lakes region.


Tourism: The Republic is home to many of the greatest landmarks and national parks in Africa. The Republic has enjoyed high rates of tourism over the previous year, since its borders were opened. Strict ecological controls are maintained so as to preserve the nation's wealth of diverse flora and fauna.



The Cast


Queen Catharine Akinyi: The head of the Republic. Queen Akinyi is of Kenyan birth, and educated at the University of Nairobi. Akinyi favours a strong stance of Africa for Africans, and opposes non-African involvement in the continent. Her early life was marred by the same tragedies as many of her countrymen, who suffered beneath the burdens of famine and civil strife. She currently lives in Nairobi with her adopted daughter, Alice Amolo. Has recently risen to power as the Queen of the Republic.


President Michael Osano: The figurehead of the Republic, and a man of great ambition. Osano was educated in London, and favours ties to European and Asian powers. He lives in the Presidential Palace within Nairobi, and is under constant surveillance by the Praetorians. He is the leader of the Republican Liberation Front, though this fact is not known by the public nor by the military.


Colonel Alexis Adondi: A member of the Republic's Special Forces. Alexis was born and raised in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Though she was young when the Pacification Wars began, Alexis saw action in the Battle of Kigali late in the war. She has recently been transferred from the Pacification Squads to the Praetorians, and leads the hunt for the Republican Liberation Front.


Sergeant Jeremiah Okelo: The son of Michael Osano. Born in London, while President Osano was studying; of mixed English and Kenyan heritage. Raised primarily in Nairobi, though he spent the bulk of the Pacification Wars in Europe. Formerly held by the Shadow Junta before the rise of Queen Akinyi. Currently a member of the Pacification Squads. His whereabouts are unknown, as he is held by the Republican Liberation Front as a prisoner.



The Pacification Squads: The elite vanguard of the Republic. Pac Squads are the initial Republican force in any area of conflict, and are specially trained to fight in urban and rough terrain. The Pacs are fanatically loyal to Queen Akinyi. Because of their forward role, Pac Squads are the primary enemies of the RLF's operatives in the field.


The Praetorians: Formed from retired Pacification Squad members, Praetorians are an elite police unit. Initially commissioned to police the rising archologies around the Republic, Praetorians are now also a counter-terrorism unit. Loyal to Queen Akinyi. Praetorians are responsible for hunting the RLF within the Republic's domestic borders.


The Republican Liberation Front:: A radical domestic terror group loyal to President Osano. The RLF is paramilitary in nature, but lacks the forces to face the military in open battle. RLF operations typically involve bombings of military bases outside of the Republic's East African homeland, relying on nativist sentiments to mask their presence and movements.

Edited by Yerushalayim
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Military numbers-





Carrier Strike Group x6

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimitz-class_aircraft_carrier]Victoria Class Super Carrier[/url]: 1

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ticonderoga-class_cruiser]Mombasa Class Cruiser[/url]: 1

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arleigh_Burke-class_destroyer]Dodoma Class Destroyer[/url]: 1

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Hazard_Perry-class_frigate]Kigali Class Frigate[/url]: 1

Kinshasa Class Support Vessel: 1


Expeditionary Strike Group x6

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp-class_amphibious_assault_ship]Bujumbura Class Amphibious Assault Ship[/url]: 1

Kampala Class Amphibious Support Ship: 2


Surface Action Group x6

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa-class_battleship]Nairobi Class Battleship[/url]: 1

Dodoma Class Destroyer: 2

Kigali Class Frigate: 2

Kinshasa Class Support Vessel: 1


Indian Ocean Coastal Fleet

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skjold-class_corvette]Brazzaville Class Corvette[/url]: 12


Atlantic Ocean Coastal Fleet

Brazzaville Class Corvette: 8


Free Vessels

Victoria Class Super Carrier: 1

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia-class_submarine]Carthage Class Submarine[/url]: 7

Mombasa Class Cruiser: 2

Nairobi Class Battleship: 3

Kigali Class Frigate: 2

Bujumbura Class Amphibious Assault Ship: 4






Corps: 21

Divisions: 38

Brigades: 114

Total: 570,000


Pacification Squads-

PEF: 10

PEB: 30

PUF: 150

Total: 150,000


Brigade: 5,000 men.

Division: 15,000 men.

Corps: 45,000 men.

Pacification Expeditionary Unit (MUF): 1,000 and support.

Pacification Expeditionary Brigade (MEB): 5,000 and support.

Pacification Expeditionary Force (MEF): 15,000 and support.



Main Battle Tank: M1A2 Abrams

Armoured Combat Vehicle: M1128 MGS

Infantry Fighting Vehicle: M2 Bradley

Cavalry Fighting Vehicle: M3 Bradley

Armoured Personnel Carrier: M113



Anti-Air Weaponry: MIM-104 Patriot

Self Propelled Howitzer: PzH 2000

Multiple Launch Rocket System: M270 MLRS

High Mobility Artillery Rocket System: M142 HIMARS



-Air Force-

Fixed Wing Aircraft-

Stealth Bombers: B-2 Spirit

Bombers: B-1R Lancer

Fighters: F-23 (Carthage)

Attack Aircraft: A-10 Thunderbolt II

Electronic Warfare Aircraft: EA-6B Prowler

Multi-Role: F-15E Strike Eagle

Naval Multi-Role: F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

VTOL: AV-8B Harrier II

AWACS: E-767



Attack Helo: AH-64 Apache

Transport Helo: CH-53E Super Stallion

Observation Helo: Kawasaki OH-1

Maritime Helo: SH-60B Seahawk



Tier I: GNAT

Tier II: MQ-1 Predator

Tier II+: RQ-4 Global Hawk

Tier III-: RQ-3 DarkStar


Stealth Craft: 100

Regular Air Force Craft: 530

Navy Air Craft: 540

Edited by Yerushalayim
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