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Glubokiye Vodishtot Development Bureau

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The city of Glubokiye Vodishtot is looking for construction and development corporations to engage in an ambitious project to improve the city's commercial capabilities.  



A satellite photograph of the city in its current state



The planned improvements of the city, including:


-Dredging of large parts of the riverfront to a uniform depth of 15 meters

-Construction of two bulk cargo handling facilities, including storage facilities, loading facilities, and docking space for three handymax-size freighters

-Drydocks with the capability to hold two ships 200 meters in length

-Construction of container terminals with space for five feedermax-size ships

-A railyard to facilitate locomotives for the increase in cargo

-Development of high-wealth commercial and residential development 

-A naval station with full maintenance, housing, and command facilities, and docking area for 11 ships


All consortiums are free to offer bids, along with estimated timeframes.  Projects can be partitioned.

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