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Diplomagic with Moscow


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Private Dispatch to Muscovy


The Baltic Union of Ubersteinia held good relations with the late Tsar of Novgorod. The peoples of Rus and the peoples of the Baltic States have always had a connection, for better or for worse. Ubersteinia would like to ensure that the modern relations between our nations is a positive one, and is willing to send Ambassador Nojus Simoneit to Moscow for negotiations related to trade and defense.

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To: Foreign Ministry of the Baltic Union of Ubersteinia
From: Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Medvedev

It would be a honor to receive you in Moscow. We have had a shared history that lasted for several centuries, and we believe that a friendly and prosperous relationship between our nations would be paramount in this world. I will send over Ivan Khrushchev to meet with Ambassador Nojus Simoneit. We look forward to meeting with you.

Sergei Medvedev,
Deputy Foreign Minister



When Ambassador Simoneit arrived in Moscow, he would be greeted by a honorary delegation waiting at the diplomatic section of the Moscow International Airport. A ceremonial honor guard would play the Ubersteinian anthem, and Simoneit would be led to a waiting limousine, where he would be driven through the magnificent city of Moscow to the meeting place, the Foreign Ministry Building on Smolenskaya Square.

When Simoneit arrived at the conference room, Khrushchev was waiting. A slightly stocky man in his late thirties, ironically with no relations to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, Khrushchev was a high-ranking official in the Muscovian Diplomatic Corps, and had extensive diplomatic experience and knowledge of international politics. Upon seeing Simoneit, Khrushchev smiled jovially and strode forward to shake hands with the Ubersteinian representative.

"On behalf of the Government and People of Muscovy, I would like to welcome you to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ambassador Simoneit. It is a honor to receive you here in Moscow. Please take a seat, and would you like refreshment or drinks?"

A staff aide would be ready to provide whatever the Ubersteinian ambassador wanted.

"Diplomatic records indicate that the former Novgorodian Empire maintained good relations with Ubersteinia in the past, and we hope to achieve the same," Khrushchev continued after taking a seat. "We strive to establish positive relations with friendly neighbors, and I feel it would be prudent that we move past diplomatic acquaintanceship to matters of deeper interests such as trade and defense."

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Ambassador Simoneit almost looked surprised at the fanfare to his arrival, but he maintained a polite smile as he sat with Khrushchev. He declined any refreshments, "Thank you for the very warm welcome, Mr. Khrushchev. I see you like getting straight to business. I agree with that sentiment. Europe is a powderkeg, and only by banding together can any sense of stability be created. A trade and optional defense agreement was made with the Northlands not so long ago, I'm sure a similar agreement could be made with your government."

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Khrushchev nodded as he considered Ambassador Simoneit's words. 
"I agree with the notion that stability should be created in this particular region of Europe, and a stable partnership between our nations would be a good starting point toward this goal. Regarding a trade agreement, I propose the selective reduction of tariffs and other protective measures, except crucial industries as designated by our respective governments. This would go a long way in ensuring a steady stream of peoples, products, and resources across our borders and ensure increased prosperity for both our nations. An optional defense pact would be acceptable to us, and could share an intelligence-sharing clause."
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"Of course. Excuse me for referencing the negotiations with the Northlands again, but they do make a good example of what we're looking for. Free trade and economic preference, with the exception of protected or nationalized industries, optional defense, and intelligence-sharing. A first step that allows our nations to, well, test the waters of being allied with each other. I have a treaty example ready, though alterations can be made if you wish."



Article II: Conduct
Signatories of this pact pledge to show only respect and good will towards each other. While this will prohibit outright verbal hostility in all its forms, it will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

Article III: Assistance
If either signatory requests assistance in the form of military assistance, economic aid, or political intervention, it is strongly encouraged for the other signatory to provide what help it can, though both parties accept that this is not an obligation.

Article IV: Intelligence
Should vital knowledge of a political or military nature come to the attention of one signatory, they are required to share it with the other.


Article V: Free Trade

Both parties agree to not tariff, tax, or otherwise charge a fee for goods imported from the other nation, with the exception of nationalized industries or industries which have been agreed upon for protection. In addition, companies whose headquarters are in one nation shall be given preferential treatment over other nations'. 

Article V: Cancellation
It is the hope of both signatories that this pact may last forever, or until the bond it represents grows to the point where an upgrade is merited.  Given the uncertainties of the future, however, it is recognized that should any of the above Articles be violated, or should some major irreparable disagreement arise, that this pact maybe canceled after 1 month's notice.

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Khrushchev scanned over the document and nodded. "This looks good, I shall sign," he said getting out a pen and scribbling his signature on it. "I look forward to a productive and prosperous relationship with your nation in the future."


Signed for Muscovy,

Ivan Khrushchev

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