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The Global Protection Force

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The Global Protection Force




The Global Protection Force (GPF) is an alliance born in 2011 from the desire of success and achievement of knowledgeable and proud Nations. GPF is a Yellow Team alliance and as an alliance we ensure no member goes without and will always have a brother to stand by. All cultures, religions, races and genders are warmly welcomed and encouraged to thrive and prosper within the alliance.

Benefits of Membership

As a member we believe in getting you the best of everything. Therefore we have come up with many benefits that will greatly assist our members. We offer the following benefits:

- $6,000,000 Upon joining as a welcome gift.*
- For those that are buying tech we strive to assist you on importing up to 500 technology levels every month.
- Nations who are looking for knowledge and experience should look no further, many of our members are CN veterans, playing for many years now. We will help you grow and give you advice throughout your time with us.
- We believe each member should be defended fairly from all attack and therefore we offer financial, diplomatic and military aid when attacked. Our members freedom is our freedom.

- We, in partnership with our allies, will protect you from technology raiding and help rebuild your nation if the unthinkable occurs!

We have many more benefits to offer which all go towards developing your nation and ensuring you enjoy the game as much as possible!

What we expect

As a member of GPF you are expected to abide by the charter and all alliance laws at all times. Don't worry they are not too stringent and they are there to ensure everyone is on an equal footing.


We have anti-raiding laws, we don't believe that stealing tech from growing nations is acceptable. Members face immediate expulsion if caught.

We also require members to be registered on our offsite forums which gives members access to a wealth of resources to assist them throughout their time in the game and alliance.

How to contact us

You can contact us in various ways to request membership. We are always happy to help with any queries you have. You can contact us VIA the following:

Offsite Forums: http://cn-gpf.com
IRC: #GPF on irc.Coldfront.net
In-Game Message: PM either KCahill, Cress or Colonel Brick 


*Financial aid provided upon final approval of membership.

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Yep still around. We don't always go on OWF, because I've noticed its the epicenter of trolls and people who love to hate. But hey, it's the Internet, so I say release the trolls from their Mom's basements! Any alliance that wants to talk FA, feel free to contact Cress, CB or me, we're always are looking for treaties. People looking to join an alliance where you're more than just a number, come aboard. We love member feedback and provide witty banter on our forums.

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