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Breaking News in Euphaia (RP)


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The Euphaian government has advised all Tian Xia foreign nationals currently visiting in Euphaia, as well as the Tian Xia ambassador and diplomatic team residing at the Tian Xia embassy in Euphaia, that it may be in their best interest to evacuate, as following the recent strike against FARC-PR targets in Euphaia by Tian Xia air forces, that the Euphaian military at this time can no longer guarantee their safety, for the time being, as tension and unrest  towards Tian Xia in Euphaia is currently seeing a moderate increase amongst Euphaian citizens that support FARC-PR.

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[b]Demarche from Legate Chakri[/b]:


The Holy American Imperium and Tianxian Officials shall not retreat or cower.  Be advised to all citizens and members of FARC-PR, all Imperial Citizens, Diplomats, and Soldiers are under the protection of the Imperial Military.  Should harm come to but one of our citizens as threats have been made, the FARC-PR will find the pain repaid 100 fold and itself decimated to a point, that its insurgency cannot continue.  I suggest FARC-PR walk away before it finds itself unable to.

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The Imperial Miltary is, I'm afraid, on its own to defend it's diplomats if it chooses to stay at the embassy against our government's advice.  All Euphaian military is currently engaged with monitoring nation-wide protests, retaking Monternia from the FARC-PR, and protecting Euphaia's governmental, economical, and military assets against FARC-PR raids.


We cannot and will not be held responsible, if Tian Xia foolishly wishes to disregard our advise.  Your government has most certainly seen reports on two current embassy incidents that took place here.



*The protests at the Euphaian border continues mostly unabated.*

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"The Government of Eurphaian need not worry itself with the security of our embassy.  We are simply stating a fact.  If our Embassy is attacked, we will respond against FARC-PR and their supporters with overwhelming force and times and places of our choosing.  If they leave our citizens and property alone, we will take no action.  The choice is FARC-PR's whether it wishes to pick a fight." -Holy Imperial Magistrate Daniel Rodriguez

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*a press release from FARC-PR*


FARC-PR has no intention of further aggrevating the imperialist Tian Xia, so long as they have no more intentions of aggrevating FARC-PR.  Our priority is the overthrow of the capitalist Euphaian government and the well-being of the Euphaian people.  There may be protests outside your embassy, but so long as you do not harm the protestors, they will not harm embassy occupants.


As for the protestors at the border, we assume once Tian Xia withdraws from Euphaia's border (if they have not done so already), the protestors will likely disperse as well.

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[b]Demarche from Legate Chakri[/b]


Perhaps FARC-PR is unfamiliar with our handiwork in the past.  Your forces and the government raided our border.  We will not withdraw any ground forces from our own sovereign territory to protect against further raids.  Further we do not negotiate with terrorist organizations.  It is on FARC-PR to ensure protests are non-violent and non-disruptive to us and our interests.  Those that are will be met with sternly.  There is no quid pro quo, the question at hand is are you prepared to comply with respecting our territory and citizens or are you not.  Its a binary choice.  If you follow it, FARC-PR is free to fight its cute rebellion inside Euphaia, its members will be hunted down and killed without mercy.


Be advised of this before future conditional responses are given.

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Your territory and citizens will be respected by FARC-PR in the future, and FARC-PR asks that the citizens of Euphaia also be respected and not harmed, as they are ultimately who we are risking our lives fighting for: their freedom and their well-being.  


The protestors at the border we do not anticipate being violent unless they are provoked or attacked.  They are unarmed, as current Euphaian law (unjustly) forbids all citizens from owning or using any firearms.


 FARC-PR trusts that even an empire such as Tian Xia would not attack un-armed citizens,


The citizens are, as far as FARC-PR is concerned, free to congregrate, protest, and speak whatever is on their mind, whenever and wherever they should choose to do so.  We continue to fight for those rights for Euphaian citizens the nation over, even as the Euphaian government endeavors to take them away from it's citizens.


Viva La Revolution!

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"As a courtesy to the Imperium, the Stormlands hereby opens aerial logistical and combat routes for its use for the duration of this conflict and in the interests of ensuring peace and stability in South America.


The Stormlands also confirms its stance that it will use whatever means necessary to protect its interests in the region, especially ensuring the safety and security of its free citizens."




Although not completely overt, following the incursion into Argentina, Stormlands' military assets in the Amazonas Territories stepped up visible operations by considerable margins, with sovereignty patrols along the border with heliborne troops and surveillance drones. Instead of sitting at base and waiting for fire missions, the Council of Shields approved round-the-clock patrols by Javelina Strike Aircraft, supported at a distance by Eagle Tactical Strike Fighters. Although approved by Euphaia to dispatch one hundred peacekeepers into the nation, the Stormlands opted for a much more subtle approach; aerial surveillance.


Utilizing low-observable, long-endurance UAVs, the Stormlands' Air Forces began its largest surveillance campaign to date, sending three UAVs over Euphaia to conduct EO/SAR imaging intelligence missions, along with SIGINT operations, all aimed at gaining a measure of situational knowledge. These missions would be conducted under total blackout conditions, although a closed friendly notice would be sent to the Imperium, noting that Stormlands unmanned intelligence gathering craft were in the air and any relevant intelligence would be passed along after being analyzed and disseminated.

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*The Euphaian government and military, as well as FARC-PR, returns their attention once again back towards one another and towards the embattled town of Monternia. 


The Euphaian news once again becomes focused on the mass protests around the Euphaian nation and to the battle raging inside Monternia.*

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In more breaking news, several cities located within a 30-mile radius of Monternia have opted to send their militas to help the Euphaian military expel the insurgents from Monternia, once again escalating the tension and fighting taken place within the town that was peaceful just 10 days ago

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  • 4 weeks later...



After an eleventh-hour three-week ceasefire was agreed to three weeks ago, both sides have temporarily pulled out the 6,000 population town that they have been bitterly battling for control over for over a month.  


Both sides continue to negotiate over peace terms, conditions, and concessions; however, neither side has given much ground, except for the temporary ceasefire itself, and the mutual agreement by both sides to pull out of the embattled town and to allow it's citizens to return to their homes freely and safely.


During the ceasefire, civil unrest has calmed down somewhat,  to approximately 2,000 protestsers, down from the 20,000 to 30,000 previously seen.


FARC and FARC-PR have also resumed radio broadcasts for new recruits, around Euphaia, as well as in surrounding foreign nations surrounding Euphaia, as FARC-PR's high powered radio broadcast tower is able to reach towns that are within 15 minutes from the border with Euphaia.


As for the cease-fire itself, while so far both sides continue to respect it, neither side has given any indication that any attempts to extend the ceasefire, or to strengthen it into an armistice or peace treaty, have been successful.


Not Public


Also during the ceasefire, FARC and FARC-PR have stepped up their illicit, black market drug and alcohol trades, despite the Euphaian government's and military's best efforts to clamp down on such illicit trades.


It has also been reported that Euphaia's Private Military Organization, as well as some of the loose groups of militias, has been engaging in various mercenary activities during the current ceasefire, in order to secure more new recruits, funding, and weaponry.

It also appears that the Euphaian military has outfitted four military helicopters with machine guns and automatic assault rifles, in preparation for the ceasefire ending.

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FARC and FARC-PR have also resumed radio broadcasts for new recruits, around Euphaia, as well as in surrounding foreign nations surrounding Euphaia, as FARC-PR's high powered radio broadcast tower is able to reach towns that are within 15 minutes from the border with Euphaia.


With Stormlands Air Forces surveillance continually flying patrol along the Euphaian border, as well as the Brazilian border, after high intensity training operations undertaken by the latter earlier in the month, pinpointing the radio broadcasts on open channels would be quite easy. With broadcast transceivers and SIGINT aircraft using basic triangulation, the Stormlands Air Forces, in conjunction with the Administration of Internal Affairs, would make minute course adjustments to one of its imaging satellites that was monitoring the border for a closer look.


After confirmation was made, and permission gained from the High Council, the Stormlands Air Forces would deploy one of its Thunder Strike Bombers from Joint Forces Base Blackfoot, in the interior of the Catatumbo Commonwealth. The bomber would retain a position from within Stormlands territory and launch two stand-off long range low-observable cruise missiles, at the fixed broadcast tower and its alleged station in FARC-PR-held territory. The missiles would pass over the border and were guided on target by navigational datalinks established by overhead satellites, to decapitate the FARC-PR propaganda campaign before it even got into full swing.

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FARC-PR has no qualms with the Stormlands and has no plans to cause trouble in the Stormlands.  Our broadcasts were for recruiting members to help us overthrow the corrupt and oppressive regime here in Euphaia.  The broadcasts are by far mostly heard in Euphaia.  Only towns very close to our border were able to pick-up our borders.


FARC-PR finds this unprovoked attack very inflammatory and uncalled for, and believes the Stormlands would be better served by guarding it's borders better, should it wish for it's civilians not to cross into Euphaia or to participate in our noble and just cause.


Repairs to the radio tower have already begun, and should be complete in a week, maybe two.


If the Stormlands does not wish for FARC-PR to turn it's efforts towards it, FARC-PR advises the Stormlands to stay out of our affairs.


FARC-PR will issue no second warning.  We are unafraid of your government or your military.  Any further such attacks upon us will be considered an attack of war by yet another corrupt regime.


However, so long as the Stormlands does not engage in any further such attacks, you have FARC-PRs assurances that we will not engage in any activities inside of the Stormlands borders.


Viva La Revolution!

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"Spreading lies and verbal filth, for what you call a 'noble and just cause' inciting people to commit acts that would destabilize the general regional peace, whether or not its in Euphaia's borders, is uncalled for.


The Stormlands will continue to act against FARC-PR and anyone who seeks to shelter it, with impunity, so long as we believe there is a credible threat to the Stormlands, and the region at large.


By all means, direct your attention towards the borders of the Stormlands, we'll give you a reason to be afraid."


[b]Open Statement from the Administration of the Exterior[/b]

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From Euphaian government:


Though we both share the common goal of erradicating the FARC-PR, the Euphaian government very strongly suggests that the Stormland's respects international law, and Euphaian sovereignty, and asks the Euphaian government for authorization or pre-authorization first, before they unilaterally launch an assault.  The Stormlands government, we are quite sure, would feel quite offended if another nation launched an attack inside it's borders without following proper diplomatic protocol and receiving government authorization first.


Perhaps a joint offensive, coordianted between our militaries, could have succeeded at dislodging the rebels with minimal damage to the radio tower?


Nonetheless, when we are finally able to reclaim the remains of the radio tower from the rebels, we shall be sending your government a bill for all repairs needed on it.

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"When the Euphaian government shows itself able to responsibly coordinate its efforts against the FARC, not allowing itself to kowtow to such a violent organization, will we coordinate with it. We have concerns with the stability of Euphaia as a whole, including its government being able to maintain a level of operational security. The Stormlands will act in accordance with its right to pre-emptively strike at threats that spill across our borders.


Whether or not we give you forewarning of these strikes is our prerogative, given the condition and status of events on the ground in Euphaia.


Monetary reimbursement will be considered by the Stormlands, but unlikely, due to our strike being made against what we deemed to be a legitimate target. It was not Euphaian government property at the time of the strike, and therefore a weapon of the enemy."

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No threats have been anywhere near your border. In any case, you clearly, brazenly, unprovokenly, and intentionally broke international law, and endangered any innocent civilians that may have been in that area.

It has become quite clear to us that you have no regard whatsoever for diplomatic protocol, national sovereignty, international laws, and we wouldn't be surprised at all if the Stormlands has no regard for any Treaties or Conventions.

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"Inciting citizens to take up arms across borders, to join a destabilizing cause, is a provocation to our government. That is what makes it a concern to us.


If we had no regard for diplomatic niceties, we would have detained a Euphaian government official who stormed into our embassy without any second thoughts and berated our ambassador there. Our regard for national sovereignty and international laws is measured by our unwillingness to allow for threats to build against our nation, decisions must be made that will effect that regard.


Please, continue to make baseless accusations against us, and whitewash the fact that if your government is incapable of controlling its political instability. That is the only reason why we chose to move when and why we did."

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As we stated before, FARC-PR is unconcerned about the Stormlands and has no plans in the foreseeable future to cause any harm to your nation.  We have helicopters and squads that are and have been patrolling near the borders, and we've seen no FARC movement towards your borders.  Attacking them unprovoked like you did a few hours ago, that would be the best way to receive the unwanted attention that you currently are trying to avoid.  


It is not a baseless accussation that you did, in fact, violate international law, as well as our national sovereignty, by launching missles across our borders, and by doing so without even notifying our government ahead of time, or asking for authorization or pre-authorization to do so.  I have no doubt that you're government would cry foul too if some other nation violated your national sovereignty.  I would be very surprised if you wouldn't ask for reparations, and if I were a betting man, I'd even wager that you'd call such an act an act of war, and would declare war on said nation.


Euphaia has no desire to declare war on the Stormlands or any other nation, as we are currently preoccupied, and otherwise not an openly hostile nation.


We do, once again, request that you respect our sovereignty as well as international laws, and in the future use diplomatic channels to request authorization from our government first.


In the meantime, we feel you've left us very little choice but to increase patrols of our mutual border.  They will not do anything provocative or aggressive, they are simply performing routine patrols.


We expect to be treated with dignity and respect, and to not be walked over.  Just as we assume the government of the Stormlands expects to be treated.  In which case, I do apologize for the way our ambassador addressed your ambassador.  He was already having quite a bad day, and was rather...alarmed...earler.  


May we suggest that perhaps a better way of helping us regain stability would be to offer economic, humanitarian, or military aid?  Or perhaps joint military exercises?

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*The Euphaian government, after a somewhat productive meeting with the Stormlands government, has decided to reduce the temporary expulsion of Stormlands foreign nationals from Euphaia, from it's original 21-day period, down to a 14-day period.  


At the end of which, the Euphaian government will welcome any Stormlands diplomatic and non-diplomatic foreign nationals back to visit and do business in Euphaia again, with the proper visas and passports ofcourse.  Also, at the end of the 14-day period, Euphaia will send it's ambassador to the Stormlands back to the embassy in the Stormlands, if the Stormlands are willing and gracious enough to invite the Euphaian ambassador back.  Euphaia would also be happy to assign a different Euphaian ambassador to the Stormlands, if they'd rather, as well.*

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During the last day of the cease-fire, the Euphaian government is giving a big last-ditch effort to bring peace once again to Euphaia in it's latest peace talks with the FARC-PR.


The Euphaian government is offering up to five seats in the National Legislature, that were resigned by former legislatures when the Sedition, Treason, and Unrest Acts were passed several months ago.  It is also offering to release all imprisoned protestors and combatants,  and offering amnesty to all combatants who unconditionally surrender, turn in their weapons, and sign a pledge never again to take up arms against the government.  It also promises to repeal the Sedition, Treason, and Unrest Acts once all combatants have surrendered and disarmed.


However, a large sticking point remains in FARC-PR's insistence that a peace treaty include President Jarris and his Nation Legislature all resign their positions, that elections take place in no later than 4 months, that the old Constitution be scrapped and a Constitutional Committee be formed to completely rewrite a new Constitution after the new President and Legislature has been elected, and that the government's land (except for government and military buildings) be spread out to farmers that will grow corn and other vegetables to help feed all the people in Euphaia.  FARC-PR also has insisted the disarming and disbanding of all Euphaian militias, be part of any peace terms signed.

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*The Euphaian military has begun to plan designs for their own personal versions of military guns, grenades, humvees, JLTVs, light tanks, APCs, cruise missles, bulletproof vests, and military helicopters.


 However, this will be a somewhat slow process to complete.


 It is the Euphaian government's and military's hope that once these can be  created and deployed, the tide of battle will begin to turn back in it's favor.*

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Beginning early tommorow morning, two or three of the newly-modified H-1 helicopters will begin their patrol and recon mission over the rural, forest, and jungle areas of Euphaia, to see if they can find some of the FARC-PR hidden hideouts and flush them out.


Two or three helicopters are also still on orders, for the next 14 days, to continue their defensive patrol over the Euphaia-Stormland border.

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