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Envoy to the Greater Sith Empire


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To: The Foreign Office of the Greater Sith Empire
From: Velimir of Metternich Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Austrian Interim Authority

Body: Given our co-affiliation with greater Europa, our shared borders, the shared history of our lands, and the alignment of mutual security interests, Austria formally requests a conference with our most illustrious neighbor to discuss and treat on these and related matters.

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To: Velimir of Metternich Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Austrian Interim Authority

From: The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs


We would be honoured to discuss increasing relations between our two states. As such, you are invited to the Imperial Capital of Belgrade to meet with the Grand Vizier of the Empire.



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The Austrian envoy arrived in Belgrade sometime within the mid morning. In light of the executive audience- the Chairman Alexander Schröder himself opted to accompany Velimir to the meeting.

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Grand Vizier Nikola Aleksander, dressed in his grey ceremonial uniform, greeted the Austrians as they exited their aircraft. After a brief ceremony, all the men were escorted to the Grand Vizier's personal residence. Upon arriving, the men were greeted by the numerous servants, who would direct them to their seats.


"Evening, Gentlemen." the Grand Vizier said after having a seat. "First, it's an honor and a privilege to have you here. I do hope that we can come to a favorable agreement. Both of our nations share the same border, and I'd like for us to be nothing but the best of allies."

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"The honor is ours," Alexander began "we have nothing but gratitude for your hospitality- this is a most resplendent country and one dear to our hearts. I have nothing but admiration for old Serbia- and indeed sith culture is most intriguing. As neighbors it is my firm belief that we share many mutual interests- a common friend to the south, a shared decent: as successors of Greater Germania, and of course a common future as partners in the region. Our people have been bound in imperial union for years- it would seem strange to not honor this habit with a consensual friendship now." The two chatted for some time, all in all the interview totaled at least five hours and ranged in subjects of high philosophy to international politics. As the discussion drew to a close Schröder resumed the business at hand.

"I feel we have made great progress here today, and it is my greatest desire to see us pursue further alignment through a formal treaty. If the envoy may be so bold as to propose a draft, we have prepared the following for your consideration."

Austro-Sith Security Accords


I. Sovereignty:

Both parties jointly recognize the exclusive and supreme right of the other over their respective territorial domains. Neither party will act in any way to compromise the stability or efficacy of the other.

II. Security and Assurances:

  • Signatories of this pact pledge their support to one another in defense of an aggressor. Aggression shall be here defined as any unprovoked attack launched against an overseas asset, or any incursion which imperils the territorial holdings of the other.
  • Both parties affirm a willingness to cooperate on the gathering of intelligence and pledge to convey information regarding any threat to the other in a timely fashion.
  • Both parties pledge the closure of their borders, waterways, and air corridors to any entity which may pose a threat to the other.

III. Economic Cooperation:

Both parties agree upon the implementation of a joint regime of free trade. All tariffs and excise taxes levied against the flow of goods and services between each country shall be relaxed at once.

IV. Cancellation:

Either party may withdraw from this pact at any time though notice of intent must be given within two months of activation (ooc: 4 days). Upon termination item I and the last term of item II will remain in effect for at least six months (ooc: 12 days), or through the duration of any active threat which either emerged prior to the activation of V, or during the cool off period.
Signatures for Austria:
Alexander Schröder, Chairman of the Executive Committee
Velimir of Metternich, Foreign Minister of Austria
Signatures for The Greater Sith Empire:

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Aleksander nodded, "We have long admired the Austrian culture, as well. It's a culture of strength and beauty. Seeing as how we are neighbors and we do share the same historical backgrounds, we do think it's wise that we become closer. Europe is a conflict that has been wrecked by instability for too long. Together, we must end that, so that our continent might be stable and prosperous for our children."


The conversation continued until Alexander Schroder presented the treaty to be signed. Aleksander read over it and nodded, "This document represents strength and unity in Europe. Aleksander then signed the document.



For His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Caedus

Grand Vizier of the Greater Sith Empire

Nikola Aleksander



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