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To: Prussia

From: The Greater Sith Empire


Dear Friends,


As both of our nations move towards the future, I think it is pivotal that we increase relations between the both of us. Therefore, I am inviting you to Imperial Center to discuss relations.



Emperor Caedus


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Emperor Caedus,


I would be delighted to take you up on your offer to visit the Imperial Center.  As neighboring states, it is our duty to maintain peaceful and mutually beneficial relations. Let us hope this visit starts a new era of Prusso-Imperial relations, and a model for other peaceful states to follow. 




Julian Müller

Chancellor of Prussia



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Upon receiving Prussia's reply, the official preparations for the state visit were started. Throughout the capital, Prussian flags were draped to welcome the nation's foreign guest. Upon arriving at the Emperor Caedus Air Port, the Prussian Chancellor would be greeted with a rendition of the Prussian National Anthem, then driven to the Imperial Palace for a meeting with the Emperor.

Edited by Malatose
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 Prior to stepping in the car, the Prussian Chancellor had done a quick meet and greet with the men and women at the airport. He had especially commented to the band that their rendition of the Prussian anthem was superb. Julian smoothed the front of his gray three-piece suit, picking off a piece of lint following an uneventful, but scenic trip to the Imperial residence. Slowly, he stepped out of the car and made his way to greet his counterpart. 

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Emperor Caedus shook the hand of the Prussian Chancellor, "Welcome to our nation. It is a privilege and a honor to have you here. Please follow me." Caedus directed his counterpart to the awaiting transport. From there, they would be taken to the Emperor's personal retreat, deep in the mountains of Yugoslavia to discuss future relations. Upon arriving, both men were escorted to Caedus' private meeting room. "Please have a seat, friend. I have invited you to our nation to discuss relations between our great nations. We both share the same idea of a peaceful and coexisting Europe; therefore, it'd be in our best interest to become closer nations."

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Julian nodded his head and said, "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, your excellency. You are correct in saying that I too share the dream of a peaceful Europe, free from the tinges of unrest and terror. Truly, Central Europe is leading the efforts to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for all Europeans. Prussia is involved in many economic projects with the Danes. If I may be so bold as to ask, how progresses renewable energy projects within the Empire? Prussia is currently working with Denmark, with the hope to add Poland in the future, on a revolutionary intra-European energy grid to be able to handle the stress of renewable sources which require vast amounts of energy to move across the lines to areas in need. Such energy cooperation amongst Europeans breeds trust, cooperation and greater economic prosperity for those involved, while also ensuring a future free of the pollution that fossil fuels are known to spread. Should the Empire be interested, I could arrange a meeting between your energy minister and the energy ministers of Prussia and Denmark to further investigate an expansion to the project."

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Caedus nodded, "At the moment, we have not put much weight on reusable energy. Yes, we do agree in the aspect of clean energy, as demonstrated by our focus on Fusion reactors throughout the nation. However, we would be interested in this clean energy system. As usual, anything that promotes European Unity, we support to the fullest of our ability."

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The Prussian Chancellor flashed a grin at his counterpart, "I believe our two nations are going to get on quite well. I think it only natural to wave visa requirements between Prussia and the Empire. After all, our historical ties cannot be ignored, and with the collapse of Greater Germany, many people suddenly found themselves in a bad situation with the rise of different states where one used to be. What do you think?"

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