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We Remember


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"Troubling times, are these not?" rumbled a voice from the darkest corner of the solar. "Rumors from the Wall speak of Wildlings swarming southwards. Tensions rise in Essos, and now this. Brandon Stark dead at the hands of assassins. What say you Maester Branch?"


"My lord, ever the Night's Watch warns of wildling raiders, how else are they to gain "recruits" from the dungeons of great lords such as yourself. Nor should you concern yourself with Essosi barbarians. The only troubling occurrence here is that of Lord Stark's demise, and while tragic, I cannot see it as a move in some greater game. Like as not it was a group of deluded peasants taxed off their lands." Maester Branch droned on for a while longer but the man in the corner was no longer listening, too deep in thought to have a care for the words of a Maester whom he doubted deserved his chain.


After a time the man rose from his chair, "Send my condolences to the young Lord Stark. His father spoke well of him and I have faith he will rule justly and ably. No doubt the Gods are pleased that he swung the blade himself. Any help he may need we will provide."


Leaving the solar he went to the practice yard, observing the instruction of his youngest sons for awhile before motioning the captain of the guard to approach. "I want half of the guard, along with two thousand horse, and six thousand well trained foot prepared for a campaign. It has been too long since the clans were bloodied. You have two months to muster them. Inform Robar and Waymar that they will be my squires for the campaign. Andar shall sit in the High Seat until I return."


Returning to the solar he was stopped outside the door by the Maester, whom ensured him that the ravens were away and that the young Lord Stark would soon know for certain that he had a steadfast friend to the south. "That is well Maester Branch, now see to the preparations for the muster, my steward will assist you."


Settling back into his favored chair in the corner of the solar he closed his eyes and nodded off. Sleep came rarely enough these days, and was troubled oft as not. He would take what he could, when he could, and hope it was enough.

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