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Reaching Out Across the Continents


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In the several months after its reformation, Mexico had established and consolidated itself as a nation in North America (as much as Mexicans were loath to consider themselves as North Americans). In the foreign relations sphere, President Luis Alvaro Bourbon felt it prudent to begin expanding Mexico's relations, beginning with Argentina, the great power in South America. As such, he complied a message and gave it to a courier for delivery to the Argentine Embassy in Mexico City. It was concise and to the point.


To: Cristina Fernández, President of Argentina
From: Luis Alvaro Bourbon, President of Mexico

Dear President Cristina Fernández,

In the interests of developing deeper ties with Argentina, I would like to cordially invite you to Mexico City to discuss matters pertaining to our mutual interests, as a basis of establishing Latin American cooperation. Should you accept, the meeting will be held at Los Pinos, the official executive residence and office. The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs will undertake the proper preparations for your arrival. I look forward to meeting with you.


Luis Alvaro Bourbon,
President of Mexico


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In the several months after its reformation, Mexico had established and consolidated itself as a nation in North America (as much as Mexicans were loath to consider themselves as North Americans). In the foreign relations sphere, President Luis Alvaro Bourbon felt it prudent to begin expanding Mexico's relations, beginning with Argentina, the great power in South America. As such, he complied a message and gave it to a courier for delivery to the Argentine Embassy in Mexico City. It was concise and to the point.


Christina would receive and reply to the message sent by her Mexican counterpart. After the necessary preparations were made, she made her way to Mexico where she would begin Argentina's diplomatic campaign across the western hemisphere.


OOC: We can move straight to the meeting.

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"Welcome to Mexico. Thank you for coming, I hope the flight was pleasant," President Luis Alvaro Bourbon said with a friendly smile as he shook hands with President Fernández. Taking a seat, Luis continued, "As you are aware of, I invited you because Mexico is interested in furthering relations with Argentina. For some time, our countries have maintained cordial relations, exchanging Ambassadors but little more than that. It is time to change that, to establish the basis of a productive and closer relationship between our nations. I propose a mutual policy of non-aggression and increased trade, for starters."

Edited by Scofield
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  • 4 weeks later...

"Welcome to Mexico. Thank you for coming, I hope the flight was pleasant," President Luis Alvaro Bourbon said with a friendly smile as he shook hands with President Fernández. Taking a seat, Luis continued, "As you are aware of, I invited you because Mexico is interested in furthering relations with Argentina. For some time, our countries have maintained cordial relations, exchanging Ambassadors but little more than that. It is time to change that, to establish the basis of a productive and closer relationship between our nations. I propose a mutual policy of non-aggression and increased trade, for starters."


"We have encouraged Spanish American cooperation for many years, from South America through Central and North America. We agree that establishing a closer relationship will be beneficial. We see a trade agreement useful, but that is completely dependent on the goals of said treaty. For a treaty to work, I believe we would need to operate with free trade and improved border-crossing agreements."

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"We have encouraged Spanish American cooperation for many years, from South America through Central and North America. We agree that establishing a closer relationship will be beneficial. We see a trade agreement useful, but that is completely dependent on the goals of said treaty. For a treaty to work, I believe we would need to operate with free trade and improved border-crossing agreements."


"This would be certainly agreeable, although I should point out that Mexico did not sign free trade agreements in the past. We have altered such a policy direction since our reformation, of course. Most, if not all, tariffs and excise taxes levied upon the flow of goods and services between our countries should be relaxed, if not initially phased out, over a set period of time. Similarly, border control, including but not limited to visa policies, for our respective citizens should be relaxed as well as to expedite the border crossing process between our countries. Of course, we would continue to have the power to regulate or otherwise prohibit illegal or harmful products or substances. As for the non-aggression policy, I assume it would be agreeable to you? Our countries will not undertake hostile action against each other, obviously. A mechanism would be established so we could work together to enforce this and to resolve conflicts or disputes that may arise. This goes the same for free trade and border-crossing as well."

Edited by Scofield
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