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The Federal Republic of Zambia


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Private Dispatch


"Under South Africa's security relationship with the Federal Republic, the South African Armed Services has respectfully requested the Zambian Air Force deploy two to three squadrons of fighter aircraft to support the aerial defenses of the Union's State of Mozambique. Barracks and tarmac space have been cleared for the Zambian Air Force at Mondlane Air Force Base, west of Nampula.


We intend for your aircraft to serve as patrol and intercept aircraft for the Mozambican Coastline, encompassing the entirety of the Nampula District, supporting the forces of South Africa's 5th Fighter Wing, currently operating in the region. With the potential for a long campaign in Merina, the potential that the squadrons will be assigned to escort missions for tactical strike aircraft moving on Merina. If your government allows for involvement, your aircraft could be potentially assigned for ground attack as well, as the conflict drags on. There will be potential cooperation with forces from the American Commonwealth, that are currently deploying into the region, and liaison personnel will be assigned to your unit to assist in command and coordination.


We appreciate your support throughout this conflict, and reiterate that we hope it is ended with as little bloodshed as possible. Your contribution to the overall coalition can assist in that endeavor by presenting a common front against those in Merina who seek to embroil the area in conflict."


Private dispatch to South African Union
We apologize for not reacting quick enough to lend our support in the conflict. We hope the war was short and bloodless on your part. 

OOC: I was at work during the shiz 


The Zambian Federal Republic welcomes Mr. Harvey and gives his staff a building near the South side of Lusaka for his nation's embassy. 

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To: Zambian Federal Republic 

From: High Courts of Borneo-Sumat Federation



The Federation would like to extend the option to open talks for a MDP with the Federal Republic of Zambia. Our Adjutants' Mr. Harvey and Mr. Oswald have been informed of our wish to support this type of move and will be given note to proceed with such talks at the Sibu confrences should the F.R.Z. choose to do so.

Edited by High Emperor Aggron
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To: Borneo-Sumat Federation
From: Zambian Federal Republic
We will gladly discuss the prospect of the treaty with your nation's leaders. President Foster himself will be present and will fly out to Sibu to discuss such a treaty. 
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Zambian road project underway 


The Senate passed a new resolution to start repaving the vast Zambian road network, several citizens have complained that the Eastern region roads have degraded beyond use and should be repaved. Over 13.5 million Kwacha was approved in the project with several roads in the capital also getting repaved.


Lusaka population growing


Whether good or bad, the city of Lusaka is growing. With a population of over 4 million and one of South Africa's fastest growing cities, Lusaka could rival Cape Town within the next few years as an economic and central seat of African power. Lusaka is moving to building a large airport on the outskirts of the city. A new rugby/football stadium is being constructed in the South side of the city with a Baseball stadium to the north just finishing up in time for Zambia's first baseball season. 




Zambia now has a full strength of 88,000 troops to its defense force and over 15 fighter squadrons. The military has unveiled several short range ballistic missiles and a fully integrated radar system throughout the country. Commander Holt was quoted in thanking the ZTF and South African Union for its work with the Zambian army and states that the military will pursue a policy of defending the Republic and its allies. 



The full force of the Zambian army is ready to defend its republic and the allies that helped it become the nation it is today.

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New rapid assault helicopter made for military


The Zambian military revealed a new weapon for the army today, the light and incredibly cheap HR-84 aka 'Yellow Jacket'. Capable of engaging targets at fast speeds, unloading devastating payloads, and even capable of transporting a squad of troops, the new yellow jacket combat helicopter adds a great deal of firepower and mobility to Zambia's infantry corps. 




Former Athenian soldier sentenced to death


The man who was plotting to kill President William Foster has been sentenced to death by hanging by order of the Zambian courts. Jordan Furcal had been living in Zambia for several months following the war against Germany and many believe he is suffering from PTSD, notes in his personal journals which he kept scattered throughout his apartment have shown he believed Foster's independence movement and his rise to the Presidency marked a threat to his former homeland and he plotted to kill Foster going as far as buying an SVD sniper rifle and several rounds. He was reported by the landlord after he noticed 

a suspicious package arrive for him at the apartment complex. No comment has come from the Athenian Federation.

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Vice President may not seek re-election


Turan Varaak announced he may not seek another term as Vice President of Zambia, a former militia leader and fellow founder of the Independence movement, Varaak is considered a hard lined member of the government. While Foster pushes for treaties to be signed throughout the Indian Ocean, Varaak wanted to remain in Africa and seek ties within the continent and pursue treaties with Athens and Sudan to pave for open communication with North and South Africa.


Assassin executed this morning


Would be assassin Jordan Furcal was killed by hanging this morning around 4:45 am. The former Athenian soldier plotted to kill President Foster with a sniper rifle and was arrested, tried, and now executed. Attempting to kill a member of the government is considered one of the highest offenses in the nation and is punishable by execution. Furcal's body will be sent to the Athenian Federation for his family to bury.

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New Statehouse constructed in Lusaka


President Foster has a new home in Western Lusaka, the New Statehouse will house the President and his chief staff members within the Zambian nation. Closed off to the public, the statehouse has a personal garrison of 115 guards and two Hind-D helicopters for protection. A network of tunnels and underground bunkers underneath the statehouse lead to other hidden facilities throughout Lusaka. The statehouse costed over 14.5 million Kwacha. 

The old statehouse will be made public as a museum. 




Military gets new budget


The Zambian army has received a 34.8 billion Kwacha budget for the year to bulk up on arms, weapons, technology, and troops. The military build up is being set up as a show of force as the Zambian Federal Republic prepares to offer the South African Union a proposed airbase in Northern Zambia along with a ODP. 




The military's black budget program is pushing for several underground production facilities to begin work on chemical warheads, these warheads will contain Adamsite, phencyclidine, sulfur mustard, hydrogen cyanide, chlorine, and a GV nerve agent. It will be the largest underground chemical warfare project to date with several long range missiles carrying the payloads being capable of reaching Zanzibar. 



Dokata chemical warhead, part of the Black Budget committee of Zambia



The TY-56 Long range cruise missile, capable of carrying the Dokata warhead over 850 miles. 

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President Foster declares support towards Borneo-Sumat Republic in uprisings


President Foster announced today that the Zambian Federal Republic supports the government of Borneo-Sumat and will aid it against the rebel uprisings. "We will fly troops, supplies and as much foreign aid as possible to secure a swift victory for our allies in Borneo-Sumat". 





Classified to Borneo-Sumat


Over 45,000 Zambian soldiers are on standby to be sent via aircraft to Borneo-Sumat to assist against the uprising, we are flying over several cargo planes filled with war materials to help fight the enemy including AK-47s, Hellcat combat jeeps, and ammunition. 

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Via Closed Cable

To: President Foster
From: Chief Princeps Wahir
Subject: Kuching Rebellion
Greetings President Foster,
As you may have heard via Borneo Today news, the cities of Kuching, singkawanak sambas and pemangkat. Their rebellion grows stronger with each passing hour and we expect no fewer than 22,000 new rebels to join with each passing week. In light of the current situation. We will accept five battalions and any amount of other aid you can supply, whether that be military weaponry or simply relief for the citizens displaced. We would like to inform you as well that Kamkar Bansa, this so-called patriot, has seized control of several SAMS sites that are operational. So to ensure your safety on arrival we suggest you deviate and fly southwards landing in Ketapang, making north with your forces towards Pontianak.
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Zambian Senate authorize war budget


The Zambian Senate has authorized over 4.56 billion Kwacha in the war against the Borneo rebels, a constant stream of supplies flown over the Indian Ocean will keep their military forces fed, supplied and reinforced. 





The Zambian military has pulled the plug on the chemical weapons program, 67 mustard gas equipped cruise missiles are being dismantled and over 6.7 million Kwacha worth of nerve agent is being disposed.  


The TY-56 long range missile program however has been pressed into service. 

Edited by Greywall
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War has munition production at all high


Zambia has been producing everything from guns to ammo since they got involved in the Borneo-Sumat civil war. A massive stockpile of 7.62 rounds for AK-47s lays outside a factory for workers to fit into magazines for fresh shipment to troops fighting the conflict, but now cruise missiles and even light tanks are being thrown into the mix. Munition production has become a multi-million Kwacha buisness with large stockpiles of war materials being sent overseas. 


cigarette company taking losses


Safari cigarettes is cutting losses and pulling its product out of twelve countries this weekend due to poor sales. CEO Garret Mumbai states initially he hoped the product would do well but has resulted in millions being lost. The company has hinted that it might also pull out of more countries soon due to lackluster performance outside of Zambia. 




The last of the chemical warheads produced in the black budget program have been dismantled, the black budget committee is now looking into producing a new aircraft to help transport goods into Borneo-Sumat.  

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